PPC6700 users or people that know pda's... chime in please

Last time i backed up my files on my phone, i did it with a program through the phone. Now… is there anyway to back up the files on the phone now through my computer by just syncing them. Basically my display took a shit on me… everything works… i can hear calls…text’s coming in and when i sync them up… it reads everything fine, but the display is about 20 different colors and all distorted, so i can’t see a thing. I the last backup i did was the 1st of sept., but there were a few things i need on there that i put on after that date.

anybody have an idea?

howie…zwar-kevin… jon… somebody?

lol, drop it in the water, i did that too my frist week here

haha… naw. I was at busch gardens last night… its working fine, then next thing i know, i go to make a call, i unlock the phone and my screen goes on the fritz

download active sync, sync it via usb in active sync select profile setting set it to back up on sync then sync, save backu after sync


i have active sync running now…

i’ll try this


kevin… i’m not seeing where i can set it to back up on sync


oh awesome…


edit… i have a much newer verison of activesync though…


i’ll look around

after some reading… it shows that activesync 4.2 does not support backup like the older versions did.

now time to see if i can DL 3.7 somewhere

can’t get 3.7 anywhere… i did get 4.5 though.


anybody have any other ideas?

i gotta back this up before 5

that sucks… not as bad as getting stuck at ohare for 3 hours :slight_smile:


well i did what i can. now time to see if sprint can do something

copy to card, call it a day

Sync it up to your computer. Use Windows Explorer and find your phone listed as a drive.

Copy and paste.

You bastard and your sunshine down there.

just got rid of the phone through sprint, if you sync it to your comp, you can open up “pda” thorugh my computer, and you can back it up… all your contact are saved in active sync everytime you sync…

thanks guys. ended up just using the backup i last had. i didn’t lose much info. My display was shot… ended up getting a new 6700 today :slight_smile: