Might as well say hello

welcome… move to Boston…

Hola! en agradable Sr. ducha. Aunque no sea mexicano no puedo decir que convengo con you’ re assesment de la gente mexicana.

welcome mike enjoy your stay lol


in his defense, have you ever seen a CLEAN mexican? Hate him because he’s a patriots fan, not because he makes valid stereotypical observations.

might as well say bye

We have been trying that with you for years … it just dosn’t work that easy

It’s not racist to hate on dirty mexicans, cuz they don’t count. Lol. Why does everyone hate on the Pats? Oh yeah I forgot, everyone always hates great teams. I bet you steeler fans feel special beating the Bradyless Pats, do you guys want a medal?

We already have five. One more wouldn’t hurt.

No medal necessary, all the rings are sufficient.

Welcome Douche!

Wow, I didn’t know they gave out medals. Impressive.