Mighty '06 V2.0, 3/12/06

wait a minute…nick pearl has a purple grand am? does it have 2 fartcans on it?

very OT but jay’s post just totally reminded me…a few nights ago i saw, going down transit…a somewhat older integra…not the last gen, but the second to last i believe…and it had, you guessed it…dual fart cans…

DaT’s sOm3 seRi0uz BaLLa KuZt0m shiZit boYz!

Damn it if I knew nick pearl was gonna be there I would have taken the purple saturn beater up there.

purple vs. purple = my vote for vid of the year

probably dooes could hear exhaust when he floored it didnt see what it was though

i still wished he would have drove into his frends dynasty :lol:

reason i ask, is about 2 weeks ago i was with onyx in his beater sable going down union…and this purple grand am goes FLYING past us in the TURNING lane, doing like 60-70mph. it was so completely random…and i wouldn’t be suprised if it was him :rofl: