Mighty 7/23/05 SATURDAY

Ok, we want to start having good meets at mighty again so let’s make it happen this saturday. Some reasons why you need to go:

  1. Late night mighty tacos
  2. bao bubble tea now has slushies
  3. the loop “cruises”
  4. you have nuttin better to do

I will be there around 11:30 after work. I better see some cars. Please check in if you’re gonna be there so we can have a head count.


but i have better things to do on a saturday night…

:bsflag: you have nothing better to do! :-p

man, i gotta get back to play more ID at adventure putt thing

i’ve had like 239983498 tokens in my car since focusinprogress got his peach fuzz

:shoot: …DO TO!!!.. :stuck_out_tongue:

no sat fo me

^^^see…russ also has better things to do…:slight_smile:

I’ll probably be there around 10

i guess we’re gonna have some fun love w/o you skunk + sario :stuck_out_tongue:


i’ve had like 239983498 tokens in my car since focusinprogress got his peach fuzz
thanx joel lol…were you there for the greatest tuarus drifto-park job evar?