Mike's Sol

What, that summit cell? it’s really just a thin HDPE cell like you listed in a two piece steel shell. It adds a bit more safety margin to the mix. The ATL bladder I bought was just under $600, so it’s definitely a cheap(cost) alternative to the mix.

The only issue with it is setting it up for EFI as it’s meant for dirt track guys going in one direction only. You’ll have to modify the internal pickup, and run it to an inline pump that has self prime OR set the sump up for an intank pump feeding a surge tank setup and inline pressure pump. Both easy to do. The latter is what I did(used a “black box” with walbro intank pump on custom sender).

Edit, I think the easiest thing to do would be to get a couple ATL or Fuel Safe corner pickups and glue them into the inner bladder, then just run to a self priming inline pump outside the tank. Would be cheap and reliable.

Only reason I did what I did was because nobody offered a premade cell in the size I needed to have, so I had to make my own shit to fit and put a small cage brace around it.