so true. If you have any idea how long it took me to pound that into the heads of fucking computer nerds on the fourm!!! Talking liquid cooling PC stuff, same thing really as a motor… they all though “woot massive loud high speed fans, high mega crazy flow pumps in the system” were the best. Not the case, if the heat sink flys so fast past the heat, how the hell will it work?!?
I think I made the example about the air chamber you stand in for 30 seconds and the fans blow dollar bills all over the place and you have to catch them. You are the radiator and the dollars are heat. With their thinking they would come out of the game with empty pockets. If the air slows down its easier to catch the money!
Its just that once you slow it down too much where their isn’t enough air flow to wick the excessive heat from the system, when more is better. But when 10+ cfm would get the job done, slapping another 800cfm 12" fan would be a waster of energy, and technically speaking power from the car.