Mike's Sol


In Rochester

If your still curious, the system will be $75/ month to store tool and parts and you get access to it on weekends to work on you car. $150/month to keep your car there and you can also store tools and parts. Rental has a 3 month minimum.


Added details ^

Test fitted my intercooler…

Made a simple drawing of the lower half of my radiator support, frame rails, and intercooler.





wow cant wait to see it finished

Mike, sent you a message on the IC layout…check it out

Adam, is this more like what you were talking about? Subtle change, and i’m sure not as good as it could be:



Yes mike, that’s a bit towards what I was mentioning.

What is the core size? I can probably whip something up for you to see later on here. Taking care of some other stuff at the moment that’s paying the bills.


the core itself is 2.5" thick, but the endtanks where we would be cutting and welding it are 3" thick.

I’ll work on something for you in a bit.

some more detail plugged in, some smaller things tweaked:

completely pointless but kinda cool


am I the only one that thinks thats the coolest model ever? lol

You did a good job :slight_smile:

Rebuilt the IC end tanks. These should flow MUCH better than the first design. (that “corner” edge bothered me)

Still playing around with random parts of my car that I have. Here is a bracket that the fender and headlight mount to. Its probably the most complicated part I’ve done. Its probably also the least accurate:

The part:

A few small things to add if I felt like it. But not bad for just a couple of hours in front of the TV.

I feel like I’m just talking to myself here. So now you only get pictures:


