Mike's Sol

You feel like you’re talking to yourself because you’re WAYY above most of our levels, myself definitely included.

I read all the updates on this thread, but if I were to reply to it, I’d just say “wow”, “that’s cool”, “great idea!”, or “never would have thought of that myself.”

That’s why :smiley:

Thats fine… then ask questions. Or else I’ll start copying and pasting questions from people on other forums and answering them :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a lot of learning to do before I can ask questions more advanced than “whats dat” or “how’d u do dat” :smiley:

Just carry on posting, I’ll sit here and stay quiet :open_mouth:

Looking good Mike. Looks like the brackets worked well for you?

Should have told me you needed the wheel arch cut into them and I could have done that and flared them for you for a resting lip :slight_smile:

I actually did’t think they would interfere. but I couldn’t do a test fit with my cardboard template since I couldn’t hold it and the bumper at the same time lol.

It did need a few small adjustments but it was real simple to do with my dremel. Maybe we will do a V2 after I finalize fit and finish and everything so I have a real copy.

Adam, what do you think of the IC design?

It’s looking much better with flow transitions looking good. I’ve been trying to get an endtank worked up here in SW for you but I’ve been so damn busy, and then sick off my ass here that I have just fallen behind on it.

The big difference will lie in formed endtanks, not your typical sheet plate style. Stuff I’ve fabricated before it just costs more, but gains are worth the cost.

I’ll try to hand sketch something here, scan, and email it to you for quick reference. IT can be done in SW but just takes alot of loft renders.

What inlet/outlet size? 2.5, 2.75, ???

2.5 i/o

looks great man very impressive

this dude is dedicated :smiley: much respect man

Mike, I sent you an email. We will discuss more I’m just still recoup-ing from being so sick last week.

Thanks adam, I see what your going for, but I’m not sure if I can model it. I’ll see if I can… even if I can’t you could build it and just jeep the I/O in the same location as my current draft.

It’s some loft renders. Can be a bit tricky if you don’t know the exact dimensions you need right from the start. It’s nothing I’d worry about doing in SW as long as you know what the idea is in your head so you can picture it’s workings.

Fabricating it is the easy part, lol.

Sounds fine to me. I’ll have to pass on your number to my dad so he can arrange a drop off of it.

I’ll send over dimensions for where I need the I/O and you can do what you do with it. :slight_smile:

why are you trying to get so techinical for your single cam turbo setup dude. get some better coilovers to start with. pics are just gonna get hot on the track. JRZZZZZZZZZ’z do it.

you guys have one guy go through the shop who had that problem and now its automatically going to happen to everyone lol.

-Plenty of cars in Honda Challenge are running the same coilovers and are not having that problem
-I’m doing time attack, not koni challenge here.

As for the D-series… Take a look back, I’m getting technical on the intercooler, even on the method of mounting the bumper, it doesn’t matter what engine is it. That is not what I am working on right now.

Holy fuck. I’m done with build threads.

After being asked why I would maximize the efficiency of my IC on a D-series on this site, I flip to the Rochester site where I get asked why I don’t just use Zip ties and an Ebay intercooler.

No more updates on the Sol. I’ll just continue posts about how I changed the oil on my subaru. Maybe more people will agree with me on that.

omg calm down spazz lol. i was fucking with you. just breath. itll be ok.

not you as much as this asshole on the rochester forum.

As if that aluminum weighs anything at all.


Cavi mike is some kid who almost hit me with his bumperless M3 while drifting through a parking lot.

well you know im just bustin your balls dude. lol i just like to get you goin.