I’ve always liked this car. Also, I know the fastest spool is the best idea (better powerband) but setting spool aside, if you can get a setup where the boost comes on hard, it’s much more enjoyable, IMHO. My last setup made 450AWHPish balls to the wall at 20PSI. I make that about 14PSI now with the 16Gs. But, it’s a light switch. It HITS MUCH harder. Same power. About same traps. But, it FEELS faster. Hard to explain but much more fun.
I know what you mean… Ive never driven a car with more than around 250hp… If the 350 isnt enough for me this setup allows me to simply swap out the turbo for a GT2871R and make over 400hp nothing else needs to be changed, the engine and the fuel system can handle it and the flanges are all the same.
I dont really know much about the delsol’s , but as for the rear, instead of lifting it up a inch or whatever, if you roll the fender does it still have enough cleance in the wheel well? jw, one of my friends was thinking about doing it with his sol, his plans were to do the f22a ( i think thats it, NOT H22A). But i like the build so far, more updates asap! lol
The inner fender lips are rolled. The tires are just simply massive. It will still be ‘low’ but not slammed as the honduh boys like.
BTW, the F22 is a terrible idea.
wow that car looks really nice should be quick to how much does it weigh?
I would guess just over 1 ton. Its actually a heavier car than the civic hatch.
continuing on with the build, I got my hands on a welder and started going at the stuff I had mocked up.
I welded up the sagging rear bumper mount
the lower radiator mounts, i dont know if i mentioned but i trimmed the radiator support and pushed it as far forward as it would go:
and here is the welded up muffler on the ground:
next up was installation of oil cooler #4 is a B&M unit:
10AN line and fittings. My favorite part in this setup is a sandwich adapter with a thermostat in it. The oil wont go to the oil cooler until the engine is warmed up:
It looked like I might have some problems with the hot side charge piping:
the ‘duct’:
battery box installed:
finishing up wiring:
injector wiring:
wow i just noticed that there was a camshaft painted on your valve cover haha :lol
i love this car, and how rediculously clean it is. I’m looking to roll my fenders also as my tires are huge like yours.
Anyways, lookin good :thumb can’t wait to see the final #'s and see some vids of it in action :cool
:lol i also noticed that when i first saw it and that is a nice touch, pointing out that it is single cam :nod
And they told me no one would get it. :lol
lol idc not my car, i havent talked to him in about a month. last i knew he had the motor in and i think put greddy turbo on it, I know he bought a FMIC to fit between the two inner lights, and then took out the lights and ran the piping tru there, i bent and welded all the pipe, looks nice. but as for a fornt bumper, i dont know
I’ve had 245-250 and it was slow. I’ve had 375AWHP and it was slow. I’ve had 450AWHP and it’s slow. I’ve had 510AWHP and it’s slow. I’ve had 580AWHP and it’s slow and now I have MID 6XX and it’s slow. You will never be happy. Set a goal and do it like you are. Nice that you can just upgrade the turbo and get more power if you need it.
It took a few seconds to figure out what it was :lol
BTW, did you go to CBA by any chance? a few years ago?
Huge difference between your car and mine…your talking drag v race and AWD v FWD.
450-500hp would not be the best use of my money on the car.
I set my goal where it is so that when I want more I know its time to move on and get something AWD or RWD.
BTW, did you go to CBA by any chance? a few years ago?
I wasn’t comparing the cars directly but comparing most people’s desire to always want more and more. It’s very easy to become “bored” with the setup and want to continue. You seem to be smart enough to have a goal, meet the goal, and reevaluate. I can name many cars that aren’t done because of constant changes. The most important thing is to actually enjoy it. That’s not going to happen if it sits all broken.
Yea shawn, i got your point and your right. I will want more power. But at that point its time for a new car.
Oh ok. I didnt’ think you did when you directly compared their differences. I thought my point was lost. Anyhow, when is the due date for this project again? I know you been working on it for a while?
Due date was this past spring… its long over due. Its close now, but its also winter.
S &W roll bar mockup
This is without cutting anything, this is not the final nor correct position.
Not pictured are the two rear bars.
What im kicking around right now (with the advise of Adam Hennessey) is moving the main hoop up above the seats kinda a step up. door bars will be trimed and lowered into the correct position, center bars will come down onto a plate in the center. Rear bars will be run lower than you would want, but I am going to retain 90% of the movement of the rear window. The rear window will be replaced with lexan and the “extra” glass at the bottom will be trimmed to allow the best angle possible.
This was near the end of summer, so it was time for a little bath:
The next story is the manifolds… the first from CCFAB was a great fit. quality was decent (excellent for ccfab standards) but when i got an opportunity to sell it for a $50 profit and buy an AFI manifold for a great price I jumped at it. Especially for the fact that other parts were holding up the build. The AFI manifold finally came in… late November. :sad and didnt fit with the radiator :headbang
In a rush during thanksgiving break I had one whipped up local and figured everything was ready to go.
that wheel tire combo looks real nice on your car. I’ve never been a fan of those enkei’s. I know they are real light, but god damn they are ugly. With those fat tires it just works on your car though.
Nice work. I have seen a few turbo d-series go down the same way. Everything looks so clean and professional. Keep up the good work. Your time spent looks like its definately paying off
I got the enkies because they are light like you said. These 15"s are 11lbs… Its funny though they weren’t the trendy wheels when I bought them, they got popular while the car was sitting in the garage, and now people are sick of them. :lol
Thats OK, im not going for trendy with this project.