Military Guys: Questions

There are plenty of “dogs” that would outrun their “trainers”…

Thats the point…The trainer didnt wanna be out anymore lol

How did it go ?

It went ok. He fed me some BS I think though. He tried to get me to go after Combat Control, saying if I wash out then I can just go to one of the career choices I choose but some people I know who are in say that is false. If I wash out I get thrown in whatever career field they need people the most in.

Either way I decided on a job that really excites me, which is Load Master. I have another appointment on the 4th.

thats what I don’t like about recruiters… they have too much to gain from you going in

They are simply salesmen.

You friends are correct and at least you found a job that interests you.

loadmaster is a sweet gig. make sure you have it in writing that it is indeed your afsc is that before you sign up though.

Good thread, ive been thinking about joining the army for a while now and I’m now looking at more info on it and possibly joining

I was told you can go in as an officer with a 2yr as long as you finish a 4yr degree within 5 years if service. Anyone have any more info on that?

not an expert… but im like 99.99999% positive thats false. you can go in, then go to college and then apply for ocs but thats a different story.

The only loop hole I know is what I posted above about the Jr. military colleges. I don’t think there is any other program that allows it.

i dont mean to thread jack but what are some good questions to ask a recruiter and someone who served as Infantry in the army(he was deployed and saw action in Afghanistan)?

He can tell you all about Afghanistan but until you go you wont understand.

Turned in my application and other paperwork today. Scheduled my test for the 18th.

I took a half hour practice test today and got a 70 so I feel I will do well on the actual. I am stopping by the library tomorrow to pick up a study guide for the test as well.

damn… your not wasting any time

How did your test go ?

It was all very easy, had to think back to some good ol’ HS math courses, other than that, it was cake. Dont have my score yet but I am confident I did very well.

Preliminary congrats!

I should know Monday, ill keep this updated for sure