Milk destroys health benefits of tea

Well now that sucks. I drink tea everyday at work but i always put milk in it. Guess i gotta start drinking it without the milk.

I can’t believe someone else on this site read that article.

Jeeves- arent You a runner? If so, it’s not like You neeeeed the help. Where as many others on this site can use all of the defense they can get against heart diesease.

coffee, then there’s no question youre doing damage :wink:

^coffee is good for you in moderation

you would think that until you saw all the garbage i eat :lol: I love fat greasy foods

I hate coffee

wow they tested 16 whole people, useless study that sombdy got paid thousands and thousands fo dollars to do.

the results were confirmed in lab-dish tests on rat aorta.


It’s in a peer-reviewed medical journal. It’s pretty legit.