milwaukee,wi. ?

Has anyone ever lived there or know people who do? im trying to get info on the area and peoples opinions of the city. I have an interview mon. for a company that seems to have alot more to offer in my field than what i can find around here. I have never considered moving to wisconsin but i dont know, how bad it could be?

wisconsin is freezing in the wintertime… i went there for thanksgiving a couple years ago… buy a cheese hat…you will fit in…the malls there rock…and they have a porn store next to every mall. The rest of my time there, if i wasn’t shopping, i stayed in the hotel room alone and watched tv.

that’s all i know.

I went there for my cousins wedding a couple years ago. Pretty dead.

I was born and lived there till I was 18.

The weather is the same as here in Buffalo.

The city is much larger and has a LOT more to do than here as well, they are famous for their festivals as they have one just about every weekend year round. It’s an hour from Chicago which is even more of a trip.

Personally, I want to move back.

I still have family there and go back a couple times a year to visit and get away from here.

Those who say it’s dead have not been to the right spots or there during the 4th of july summerfest when 200K+ people go to the lakefront for the worlds largest music festival every year.

^^ yea i was reading about the festivals. seems like there is something going on quite a bit. thanks. thats the kind of point of view i was looking for

<- from the chicago area

driving distance to chicago is a huge plus
Football is god, but it has to be packer football, anyone else and you will get into a lot of fights
there is a lot of good little bars with good local beer
the job market is great, not only for the company you are looking at, but the fact of the tristate area is a trains ride away

Do they all drink Old Milwaukee and Milwaukee’s Best?

no they drink old style

I went there to pick up my 91 and the city was kind of beat if you ask me. I went with my father and we drove down, got to the city a bit early so we chilled in a Lowe’s parking lot and slept for like an hour to kill time (10 hour drive). A cop pulled up, knocked on the window, scared the shit out of both of us. He said that he assumed the car was stolen since it had NY plates, and that it wasn’t the first time he “caught someone like this.” It kind of scared me.


Buffalo could learn a ton from Milwaukee.
I have been there a couple times and all I ever remember is their awesome lakefront and the Harley Davidson Company.
It is a cool city.

Yea, they’ve spent a lot of $$$ on the lakefront to develop it and make it an attraction. There are down parts of the city, but that happens in any city, let alone one that’s the size of Milwaukee which is atleast 3-5 times the size of buffalo.

Oh yeah one other thing, there is a hip restaurant called Sauce.
Its in the old Third Ward area.
I know one of the original investors in the restaurant.
The same family also has a nite club but I can’t remember the name right now.
If you look at the images you will see the open glass overhead door in the front along with a fire place and cool old wood beams and bricks.
The food is great too.:slight_smile:

Does this guy know how to party or what?

eric…all u, or anyone does around here is eat, drink and work on your car…u can do that in wisconsin…see what the cost of living is there compared to here and how much you’ll be making there in comparison and weigh your options :tup: