
Badass tool!

I like! I couldn’t figure out how much though.

yea man, that thing is tits!!! do want!!

Its like $450 :lol

well worth it to a real mechanic who would need something like that every day

It is pretty neat idea.

That right there is a north eastern car owners best friend

Wow thats really awesome! Would deff make life easier in areas where flames can be a bit sketchy.

im buying one

thats a fucking sick tool. i has wood from watching demonstration video :retardclap

i remember when i was at inline a few years ago a sales rep came in trying to sell us one of these. it works awesome and insanely fast but the cost was high at the time.

The coil stays cool right?

can you put you penis in it?

^ Yeah and it wont even get hot!

the coil stays cool yes at first. but the heat from the bolt radiates onto the coil and gets it hot. but the coil itself doesnt produce its own heat no.

Figured so, inductance ftw

sooooo what your saying is, it could be used as a masturbation tool?

Yes but don’t use metallic based lube.

well the coil is quite small so yes i think you should have no problem using it that way lol

hahaha… guess I’ll stop using mercury as lube