Minimum post size

To keep the useless :tup: and :word: posting to a minimum I recomend that
we should institute some sort of minimum post size. Perhaps 5-10 words?

meh … a simple :word: to a response to a tech question is never a bad thing

if i ask a question about a problem and someone answers it for me, and zerodaze, skrapper, catnut or even someone who just has the same car as im asking about, it just adds to my confidence about the original answer

naw, I think it’s just fine the way we have it now. Useless threads would normally get deleted pretty quick anyway



in soviet russia car drives you!

in fifth grade i was hustlin my genesis game

haha u guys are funny , i think its just fine, a simple :tup: or :word: just shows that ppl are agreeing with what someone says and theres really not much else to add


ok well in that case here is what I would do


" :word: :word: :word: . . .etc etc etc"

You get the point until I meet said quota.



liek i said … zerodaze is definantly allowed one emoticon answers, lol


Ok great, we have a new forum. Lets post as many times per thread as we can to get our post counts up. All im saying is lets not turn this into UBRF. The seeds are already sown.

Since when does post count mean a damn thing? Is that your concern?

yeah i hate forums that won’t let me responsd with “NY>CA” or “wow!” or “once”. do we need to save the bandwidth?


its not about bandwidth, its about post QUALITY over quantity.

Im calling it right now, dont say i didnt warn you.

who are we trying to impress?