Mirror Windows XP System Between Computers

Is it possible to mirror a hard drive off one system to another and keep settings, files and applications?

I have someone who has a desktop and wants to buy a laptop and copy everything over like programs and stuff.

like a ghost image?

probably will cause some kind of drive conflict though

Yea I’d expect all kinds of problems doing that. Especially from a desktop to laptop, the hardware will blow the install’s mind.

They have a feature called Universal Restore. That will do what you want. I use it here and it’s awesome. Althought I must say, I’ve never tried going from a desktop to a laptop.

Acronis Echo and the UR option works nicely :slight_smile: I think I saw it on Torrentz.com… but, maybe it was only a dream. I don’t see why I’d ever go to that site.

hell, how do I even know it works nicely?

Forget I even said this. I must have left myself logged in somewhere.
