Software to sync local/network drive?

I’ve got a networked server I store most of my work stuff on but work off the local HD on my laptop when I’m on the road. Any know any good software to just automatically mirror them and just have it transfer the updated files on a daily basis or something like that? I can’t access it off site.


I use that at home to keep my laptop and desktop in sync for all my photos and music.

Gonna give that a shot. Thanks to OP for motivating me to get this going and thanks to Jay for link. :slight_smile:

+1 that’s what I use…

200gb across 100k+ files is not a problem.

I haven’t used many synch programs, but the only thing I have to be careful about on allwaysynch is if you rename a file or folder, it will duplicate the folder onto the other drive and vice versa, and you get both folders on both drives. Now I go into the backup drive and rename that also before synching. Maybe there’s a setting idk.



seems to be working great.

I can’t wait until I get some odd version conflict and lose a bunch of work which I’m sure is going to happen if I insist on acting this way…

NoHandsBackup. Then setup a scheduled task to run it daily. Works like a charm.
1 time full, then incrementals.