Good File/folder synchronizing program

I am looking for a good, preferably free, program to be able to synchronize the music on my computer with the music on my external. Basically I just want to be able to put newly downloaded music from my MY Music folder on the the MY MUSIC folder on my external easily. I don’t want to have to copy and paste if there are 50 new. The software included with my external sucks for that, it’s basically just for backing up the contacts and specific files.

Trying a program right now, will report back with the results. I do a similar thing to backup all my downloaded programs to an external I use on my laptop.

why not just copy/paste the most top level folder, and then tell windows NOT to overwrite existing files?

this seems to work pretty good.

I’ve been using this, allway sync:

You basically point it to the 2 folders you want to sync and it does the rest.

You can also download a version called “allway sync and go” that launches from the removable drive (thumb drive or W/e), so you don’t have to install anything on the computer…

Thanks! I tried Allwaysync and it works awesome. It’s really easy and copies files faster than Copy-Paste.

I’m using this one to sync music/pics between my laptop and server at home.

It worked so well I actually bought a copy.

Windows Backup?

either of these can be used to sync a jump drive with a certain folder? For example I can keep a copy of “my documents” on my jump drive and it will always sync the two?

what happens if I modify a document, does it ask me what which one I want to keep?

Goodsync will always copy the newer one.

Example, I keep my photos on my desktop and my laptop so I have a backup. Lets say I copy a bunch of new stuff to my laptop but edit a bunch of existing stuff on my desktop. Goodsync with one click will copy all the new photos to my desktop as well as copy the updated versions of the stuff I edited on my desktop to my laptop.

I found free stuff that would do the same thing but none that would do it nearly as fast as goodsync. I figured since I haven’t bought software, music, movies or games in years I could throw some support to the developers of this one. :slight_smile:

allway sync is fast. Like suzukiriderman said, faster than just dragging the files onto the drive, which doesn’t make much sense to me.

It will do what you said too jay, with edited/new files.

Anyone looking for a free sync app should try it out. The only problem I’ve had is some thumb drives it won’t let you “browse” to a folder on that thumb drive, you have to actually put in the folders location manually. While others you can browse just fine.


Any new products out there worth checking out? I’ve been using allway sync but I cant get it to sync by last modified date. I don’t mind paying for it but $30 is too much right now. Hell I don’t even make that much per week. lol

Ive used MS SyncToy a few times… Works alright.
