Missing Jamestown Women

My best friends sister just went missing over the weekend here is a post to the story. I cant imagine what he is going thru right now being stuck in Florida. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I grew up in Jamestown and I have seen this happen 3 times already with women in the area.


Wow man that sucks. i actually heard about this on the news this morning. Thats some shady shit. i hope all works ou for the best.

Man, that’s horrible. Hope nothing serious has happened to her. Gotta hope for the best…

Wow…in my thoughts for sure.

i will keep this in my thoughts and hope for a safe return

Not a good sign that they found her van in a field.


this is scary, my gf lives a few doors down and i know a bunch of people that live on kortwright. I hope they find her unhurt

this is scary, my gf lives a few doors down and i know a bunch of people that live on kortwright. I hope they find her unhurt and find the person(s) responsible

i know i thought the same thing
i heard they found the van an i was like ohhhhh shit not good

what happened with the previous women that went missing? not good?