Missing Police Dog


One of the dog handlers I know up there who’s dog retired had his commands in Checkeslovakian, and Drago the dog that got away his commands are in Check as well.

Well, szhit, then there’s the problem, 'cause the Monroeville cop they interviewed on TV said “German”, so I guess the cops were giving the commands in the wrong language, lol.

LOL, I was talking to my buddy up here at work who is a part time dispatcher. Two of the Dogs one was Athos (retired who I know) and from what he understood, Drago were Check trained. I’m unsure about the other two.

I believe that Plum’s dog is Hungarian (saw a demo last summer at my soon to be step daughter’s summer camp)

Regardless, the comment I quoted from the poster is wrong that all dogs are german trained and take commands only.