mistake costs dishwasher 59k bucks

They didn’t make him a citizen, just officially recognized that he’s here.

Maybe it’s just the way the article was written, but the guy just doesn’t seem to understand that when you live here you contribute. He doesn’t even get that he was exploiting this country for 11 years.

you guys are heartless, put yourself in his shoes.

If i was in his shoes I wouldnt want to go back Guatemala, if I didnt have to pay taxes and could get away with it I would stay right where I was :stuck_out_tongue:

so were just supposed to let people break the law because holding them accountable is mean? :bloated:

take the sum of all of his owed taxes and give the rest of the money back

lol @ 59k in 11 years.

i was thinking bout that too and wanted to laugh, but youre thinkin the same as i was…

you have to figure he probably paid rent in some way, ate food and bought clothes and had other expenses… so who do you know that could save 59k bucks in 11 yrs on top of spending for necessities

not only keep the taxes, but the fines as well.
then put him in jail for tax evasion.

or, deport him with 1/2 of what is “rightfully” his. then explain
in english, how nice we are for letting him go home.

$400/month rent = $52,800 for 11 years
$200/month food = $26,400 for 11 years

Thats $79,200 + $59,000 = $138,200 he made in 11 years

Divided by 11 = 12,563.64 a year.

So anyone making more than $240 a week without being taxed…could save that much. :bloated:

after all the union talk of late, i can’t believe you posted that :smiley:

lol true, ive been staying out of the union discussions cause we have a union here at work with the civilians and they piss me off. they spend more time with union shit and we get stuck with all their work… end of rant… but thats why i havent been in the union threads

i thought you were laughing thinking after 11 years he only made 59k bucks

i work at the head of finance and accounting for the AF and i swear i see more math on this site than in my job hahaha

No i’m laughing because he made 13k a year.

just think of what he would make in his home land… hes probably rich compared to workin in the villages

Gee, Maybe he failed to declare it because he was smuggling it out of the country so we wouldn’t perma ban his ass.

Just a thought.

well you come into my country illegally. Make money, don’t pay ANY taxes on it, and then expect to just walk over the border with all that money. Yea right. I have to be in a WAR zone to get just my federal and state taxes back, and they still take FICA no matter what. I don’t feel at all bad for this son of a bitch. Take all his money, pay the taxes he owes, and the few pennies left can help pay for all the social services him and his family used while he was here illegally. I don’t feel the least bit bad for this fuck.

what branch and do you keep residency in NY in some way ? you should be able be SITW exempt, and probably owed back taxes

““They are treating me like a criminal when all I am is a working man,” he said.”

Sorry buddy, you are a criminal. Illegal immigration is gasp ILLEGAL.

well, I guess if anything, its a great deterrent for other illegals.

work for years and years, only to get NOTHING out of it lol

If I was in his position? I wouldn’t go into some other country illegally.

Illegal Immigrant. You have no rights. Simple.

Become a citizen of the US, pay taxes, etc, then you are allowed the rights.

I felt bad for a second, then read he didn’t pay taxes, didn’t learn English, and didn’t follow the rules.

Maybe they will use the $59k to put up the Mexican/US fence that keeps out illegal immigrants and encourages them to come in the right way?