mistake costs dishwasher 59k bucks


well you come into my country illegally. Make money, don’t pay ANY taxes on it, and then expect to just walk over the border with all that money. Yea right. I have to be in a WAR zone to get just my federal and state taxes back, and they still take FICA no matter what. I don’t feel at all bad for this son of a bitch. Take all his money, pay the taxes he owes, and the few pennies left can help pay for all the social services him and his family used while he was here illegally. I don’t feel the least bit bad for this fuck.


You couldn’t have said it any better, when i was on unemployment getting the max amount, I didnt pay taxes on that and when tax season came I had a hefty bill to pay; I paid it because it was the LAW and the legal thing to do. Fuck his shit up please US government


you guys are heartless, put yourself in his shoes.


if it was truly that important to him to make money… he would’ve made an effort to secure his livelihood.

IOW, he would have officially immigrated, thereby losing a little bit of money to taxes, but guaranteeing that he could wash dishes for the rest of his life.

Guess he didn’t want the money that bad, huh?


you guys are heartless, put yourself in his shoes.


i am going to toss you and 93civicblablabla dan on the same boat off this continent.

after i take all of your money of course.

This is the way I look at it, if a legit US Citizen doesn’t pay any of their taxes for 11 years and get caught they go to jail, and will in all likelihood lose a good deal of money in the process. Why should this be different?


This is the way I look at it, if a legit US Citizen doesn’t pay any of their taxes for 11 years and get caught they go to jail, and will in all likelihood lose a good deal of money in the process. Why should this be different?


in all actuality, after looking at it that way, hes lucky, cause if he WAS a citizen, hed be thrown in jail and have pay penalties and back taxes… hes kinda getting a break by being allowed to leave WITH some money and not get thrown in jail


in all actuality, after looking at it that way, hes lucky, cause if he WAS a citizen, hed be thrown in jail and have pay penalties and back taxes… hes kinda getting a break by being allowed to leave WITH some money and not get thrown in jail


which just goes to show how great our system is…

If it were the other way around and I snuk into his country and did the same…do you really think his country would say…“aaaaaww well lets give him the money”.

Think about this, he stole a job from a US citizen. Next time you dont get a job and are all pissed about it…dont be cuz hey maybe you helped out an illegal immi. Pat yourself on the back. Dont get me wrong, im all for helping people but when it comes to things like this…NAH.

Speaking of illegal immigrants. You guys hear what Spencer did. Jerk said Illegal Immi’s can now get a NY driver license.
Wait till geico finds out im half mexican half canadian

Fuck That. That is a HARD WORKING man. Bottome line, cut and dry. He DESERVES his money. The only stupid thing he did was to be HONEST with the stupid fucking law of this country. He should have smuggled the cash across.

The only thing they should do is tax the money and let the guy go.

How the FUCK do you have the audacity to take away 11 YEARS of mans hard work.
FUCK this worthless Hypocrite country and their idiotic approach to everything.


I say they take all the back taxes he owes from that 59k, and then send him home with what’s left. He doesn’t get boned, we don’t get boned, and life goes on.


pretty much. I really don’t see why this is a question.


Fuck That. That is a HARD WORKING man. Bottome line, cut and dry. He DESERVES his money. The only stupid thing he did was to be HONEST with the stupid fucking law of this country. He should have smuggled the cash across.

The only thing they should do is tax the money and let the guy go.

How the FUCK do you have the audacity to take away 11 YEARS of mans hard work.
FUCK this worthless Hypocrite country and their idiotic approach to everything.


So if for the next 11 years I stop paying taxes and try to leave the country I should get to keep my money too, since I worked for it? If not then STFU because as a legal citizen of this country I should certainly get more rights than some illegal alien.


I had to think about where I stood on this one when I read it last night. In the end, it came down to the simple fact that he was here illegally, contributing nothing to the system because he wasn’t paying any taxes, and got caught breaking the law.

So fuck him, you try to smuggle money out of the country and get caught you lose it. Ignorance of a law does not grant immunity from it, regardless of your nationality. We’ve all seen the signs at the airport and customs about carrying more than 10k and if he didn’t learn enough english in all this time here he certainly shouldn’t get a pass on the law. It’s a very simple law; you try to smuggle more than 10k out and get caught you lose it all.

Had he not been in the country in the first place, nor any illegal alien, that job would have gone to some high school kid. He would have paid taxes on it, and then spent it here in this country supporting our economy.

So even though at first read I started to feel sorry for the guy the more I think about the whole situation the more I don’t have any problem with how the government is handling it.


I’m with you 100%. I feel us giving him 10k+9k is more than generous.

To relate this in car terms, just because you were driving through a different state, and didn’t know the speed limit wasn’t 65, doesn’t give you justice to break the law because you didn’t know it. It’s your duty to know the law to avoid breaking it.

Shame on him for cheating our system. He may have worked hard, but he should have worked smarter.

Originally Posted by BikerFry
I say they take all the back taxes he owes from that 59k, and then send him home with what’s left. He doesn’t get boned, we don’t get boned, and life goes on.
pretty much. I really don’t see why this is a question.


pretty much. I really don’t see why this is a question.


Wait so your saying its ok if immigrants come here illegally.Work then leave without contributing to taxes.Thats sending a great message to all the wetbacks out there if they only take taxes from the 59k if the get caught.COME TO OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY AND WORK HERE DONT PAY A DIME IN TAXES THEN WALKOUT WITH ALL YOUR MONEY


So if for the next 11 years I stop paying taxes and try to leave the country I should get to keep my money too, since I worked for it? If not then STFU because as a legal citizen of this country I should certainly get more rights than some illegal alien.


What part of “The only thing they should do is tax the money and let the guy go.” do I need to translate to baby talk so you can understand?

137280 is the amount he would have made over 11 years @ 4$ an hour 60 hours a week (avgerage estimate over the years) and seeing about 30% of that money should have been taxed 45760$ is about the amount that he owes in taxes. I say its a fair deal right now.

Live an learn, we all pay taxes, just cause you cant speak english doesnt mean you dont follow the laws.

I dislike the fact that every time they decide to make a example of someone, its a good, hard working person that least deserves the punishment.

At first, I felt kinda bad, until I really thought about it. Good. Make an example out of him. It sounds heartless, but someone has to take the fall to show the others what can happen. It could have happened to a lazier person, but oh well, no one is exempt from the laws. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL! Think of all of the hard working people who are legal tax-paying residents, who go broke and lose everything for one reason or another. They don’t make national news or get 10K in donations. He should have taken his 19K while he had the chance, being thankful he got to keep anything, and didn’t have to spend time in jail.

so he couldent learn to at least speak english the 11 years he was here?

Fuck him, hope he has a nice life


Originally Posted by BikerFry
I say they take all the back taxes he owes from that 59k, and then send him home with what’s left. He doesn’t get boned, we don’t get boned, and life goes on.
pretty much. I really don’t see why this is a question.

Wait so your saying its ok if immigrants come here illegally.Work then leave without contributing to taxes.Thats sending a great message to all the wetbacks out there if they only take taxes from the 59k if the get caught.COME TO OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY AND WORK HERE DONT PAY A DIME IN TAXES THEN WALKOUT WITH ALL YOUR MONEY


I totally agree with Conquest. Think about this, he NEVER paid taxes. Don’t tax the 59k, no look at what his probable income was, then tax ALL OF IT. Chances are, that over 11 years, hes owes a few pennies. Taxes are a requirement of OUR life in this country. If one ass clown can jump a boarder and get away with it, then why have i been paying taxes all these years. Even when i didn’t have to, i claimed NYS while i was in the service. I could of claimed some place like TN and paided nothing, but no, i kept oly ass fucking NYS on my statements, because thats MY home. I’m sick of people feeling sorry for these criminals. If you or me did this, we would be in JAIL, and it would cost way over 69k to get our asses out of a jail sentenance. This guy got off light, all they did is take away his illegally earned money, you can say he worked hard for it, but you know, lots of drug smugglers are low rent people jus ttrying to put food on the table also, they see serious jail. This guy earned this money while illegally being in a country, while illegally working in that country, illegally driving to/from work, and so on. Take the money, kick this guy back to home, so he can walk over the border next week, or cry on TV about his anchor baby that gives him the legal right to screw this country out of ALOT of money.

tax him on the money he’s owed, then charge him here for being illegal with a nice fine for the rest then deport his ass. No more of this pussy shit


as a legal citizen of this country I should certainly get more rights than some illegal alien.


Thats whats wrong with america today. Illegal immagrant or not, I see myself getting royally fucked while the government gives these assholes more aid/ rights than I have. The best part is no ones doing anything about it.