Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license

I posted this in the bird feeder thread but felt it needed it’s own thread so people see it.

Yep, NY has decided that we should give illegal immigrants a drivers license. :bloated:

I’m at a loss for words at how stupid this is.

(AP) - New York will allow illegal immigrants who have a valid foreign passport to get a driver’s license, with a goal of bringing “people out of the shadows” into American society, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said Friday.

New York has between 500,000 and 1 million undocumented immigrants, many of whom are driving without a license and car insurance or with fake driver’s licenses, Spitzer said at a news conference announcing the executive order.

“They no longer need to hide and pretend they are not here,” said Spitzer. “We will not become part of what is propagated on the federal level that if we don’t admit they are here then we can somehow not provide services. That is bad policy.”

Under the new policy, immigrants - regardless of their status - will be permitted to provide a current, verifiable foreign passport in applying for a license. The policy will be phased in over time beginning in December 2007. Similar policies have been adopted in Utah, New Mexico and other states.

The change drew the scorn of some Republican lawmakers from New York. Rep. Randy Kuhl, a Republican, said the new policy “undermines the preventive measures that protect our country from national security threats. The September 11, 2001, hijackers had at least 35 licenses, which helped them to rent cars and open bank accounts.”

“This policy encourages people to flood New York State and wreck havoc on our social services, schools, and hospitals,” he added.

The shift in policy is geared toward enhanced security, safer streets and a reduction in insurance premiums for all New York drivers by an anticipated $120 million a year, said David Swarts, New York’s Motor Vehicles Commissioner.

AAA found that unlicensed drivers are more than five times likely to be involved in car accidents, Swarts noted.

Michael Balboni, New York’s homeland security head, said that the new system actually improves security because it creates public records that can be accessed by law enforcement and others to ensure true identities.

“What we are driving towards is the crucial concept in security: One person, one license,” Balboni said.

Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, called the new policy a victory for the immigrant community.

She noted that immigrant New Yorkers who did not have access to a license had a difficult time making it to work and getting their children to school.

The only good thing is it reaffirms my belief that there is no such thing as a good Democrat. I was finding myself starting to believe in Spitzer until this.

And I love how the AP article makes the jump from illegal immigrant to plain “immigrant” at the end when talking about driving the kids around.

how can they be illegal with a valid passport?

I know I tend to disagree with you a majority of the time on here, but yeah when I heard about this the other day this struck me as a pretty awful decision.

  • Valid FOREIGN passport. Like their passport from what ever country they were from, legally.

Y’know, I was really getting to like Spitzer. :ugh:

We will not become part of what is propagated on the federal level that if we don’t admit they are here then we can somehow not provide services.
Sweet, I get to pay for more free services.

On the bright side, 1/2 the cabbies in NYC may actually get legit licenses. lol

This concept makes my brain hurt. How does this even work.


This concept makes my brain hurt. How does this even work.


playing on fear.

basically they want to get the people on the record books somehow, anyhow so that the state “can make the homeland more secure”.


playing on fear.

basically they want to get the people on the record books somehow, anyhow so that the state “can make the homeland more secure”.


If you’re willing to make the jump that the guys at the NYS DMV are better qualified at weeding out who should and who shouldn’t be in this country than INS. Sorry if I don’t feel any more secure knowing the same dumbass at the Cheektovegas DMV who’s eating WHILE processing my application for a new plate is now deciding if an illegal alien should get an ID as powerful as a state drivers license.


prepare to pay more for car insurance cause now you have hundreds of thousands of illegals getting licenses, driving cars, but not paying for insurance, which, when you get hit by one, youre paying out of pocket.

ive been hit 2x by people who dont even speak english out here with no insurance and then i have to pay for it


If you’re willing to make the jump that the guys at the NYS DMV are better qualified at weeding out who should and who shouldn’t be in this country than INS. Sorry if I don’t feel any more secure knowing the same dumbass at the Cheektovegas DMV who’s eating WHILE processing my application for a new plate is now deciding if an illegal alien should get an ID as powerful as a state drivers license.


:word: I don’t think anyone in their right mind would leave it to the NYS DMV to keep track of who’s living here and who isn’t.



prepare to pay more for car insurance cause now you have hundreds of thousands of illegals getting licenses, driving cars, but not paying for insurance, which, when you get hit by one, youre paying out of pocket.

ive been hit 2x by people who dont even speak english out here with no insurance and then i have to pay for it


Illegal’s definitely drive without licenses/insurance at the current moment, I don’t see how it’s that much different.


If you’re willing to make the jump that the guys at the NYS DMV are better qualified at weeding out who should and who shouldn’t be in this country than INS. Sorry if I don’t feel any more secure knowing the same dumbass at the Cheektovegas DMV who’s eating WHILE processing my application for a new plate is now deciding if an illegal alien should get an ID as powerful as a state drivers license.


no. not at all.

my point is referencing a line from the article, here:
New York has between 500,000 and 1 million undocumented immigrants
and here:
it creates public records that can be accessed by law enforcement and others to ensure true identities

Basically, the politicos are playing on the idea that Joe Immigrant will use his real NYSDL when he buys the parts for his next chem bomb; plane ticket; etc. :cjerk:

I never, ever said this was a good idea.


how can they be illegal with a valid passport?


passport only allows them to visit, doesent make them a citizen.



prepare to pay more for car insurance cause now you have hundreds of thousands of illegals getting licenses, driving cars, but not paying for insurance, which, when you get hit by one, youre paying out of pocket.

ive been hit 2x by people who dont even speak english out here with no insurance and then i have to pay for it


Nah, that’s why we’re giving them a license. That way they’ll all run right out and drop a grand on car insurance. :lolham:

wouldnt it be stupid of the illegals to get a license?? wouldnt you think the feds would come after them after they are in the system??


passport only allows them to visit, doesent make them a citizen.



They come in on a 30 day visa and then don’t go home, or something akin to that.

this does not appear to be a smart idea.


this does not appear to be a smart idea.


agreed… i like the idea of rounding them up when they get put in the system BUT thats if they provide actual identification like SSN and address, which living out here has shown me that its rather unlikely

I was amazed when NYS DMV allowed me to register a car with a NC drivers license. Its been 8 months and I still ahve a NC drivers license.

I really can’t fucking get my head around this.

ILLEGAL immigrant -> LEGAL license -> howthefuck -> aneurism

Like. Seriously. How the. They’re not allowed to be here. We’d have to ignore. But. But. The fuck?

OK here’s the paradox I can’t unravel:

Don’t the implications of this policy formally require a complete disregard for federal law?!

Seriously! How the?! How Can?! Gggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

I’m still waiting for one of the life long die hard Democrats to come up and justify this. It’s your party people. There’s no one I can complain to because the people I elected are already against this. When I complain to your party they just laugh because they know I’m never voting for them anyway.


Seriously! How the?! How Can?! Gggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

