Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license

Sign the petition against Spitzer’s plan.

I heard about this the other day.
It is in his blood to get money ANY way he can.
He obviously thinks New Yorkers are retarded to try and pull off this shit.
“Thanks for voting for me retard.”

i would only be in favor of this if they set up something like Dateline NBC and sent them back. “To catch an immigrant”.
Jose Q. Illegal shows up for a road test, “Why don’t you have a seat over there.”


i would only be in favor of this if they set up something like Dateline NBC and sent them back. “To catch an immigrant”.
Jose Q. Illegal shows up for a road test, “Why don’t you have a seat over there.”


That would be funny.


If you’re willing to make the jump that the guys at the NYS DMV are better qualified at weeding out who should and who shouldn’t be in this country than INS. Sorry if I don’t feel any more secure knowing the same dumbass at the Cheektovegas DMV who’s eating WHILE processing my application for a new plate is now deciding if an illegal alien should get an ID as powerful as a state drivers license.


I am not in agreement with this idea but… you have no idea how this works. Cheektovegas DMV is not the NYS DMV. They are erie county auto bureau. all they do is process registrations and take forms from people. They do nothing as far as identity etc… There is no public NYS DMV office in this area (since ellicot square closed). the dmv guys (and a few gals) that do identity checks, social security checks etc…carry weapons and are full law enforcement agents with alot of identity training. A few years ago NYSDMV did soc sec. number checks (confirmation) on all drivers in this state it was a shit load of work alot of people ended up in jail. It was even found that 30,000 Drivers were using the same soc sec. number. Dont fool yourself they have access to alot of information= Big Brother is watching. There were days at thurs in the square that dmv folks were checking id’s etc…


I am not in agreement with this idea but… you have no idea how this works. Cheektovegas DMV is not the NYS DMV. They are erie county auto bureau. all they do is process registrations and take forms from people. They do nothing as far as identity etc… There is no public NYS DMV office in this area (since ellicot square closed). the dmv guys (and a few gals) that do identity checks, social security checks etc…carry weapons and are full law enforcement agents with alot of identity training. A few years ago NYSDMV did soc sec. number checks (confirmation) on all drivers in this state it was a shit load of work alot of people ended up in jail. It was even found that 30,000 Drivers were using the same soc sec. number. Dont fool yourself they have access to alot of information= Big Brother is watching. There were days at thurs in the square that dmv folks were checking id’s etc…


I realize you work for them, but just from the number of posts here where the state DMV has fucked up people’s registration renewals, fines paid, licenses suspended etc I’d still rather trust this to some other department.

I want to see exactly what he plans to do first before I pass final judgement. Going by a news article with little to know facts/ hearsay seems a bit premature.

A few points:

  1. An illegal will be easier to locate for deportation with a paper trail to follow when they screw up. Just having a photo on record can assist LEOs.

2)Having the license makes the illegals liable, so now if they don’t get proper insurance, etc. They can then be held liable and deported. Basically giving them the proverbial rope to hang themselves with.

3)There’s nothing that says there can’t designate the driver’s liceneses for illegals as such so they are different from the driver’s licenses for citizens, so all that mass hysteria about your license being invalid at the airport is quite laughable.

This could be bad or good depending on exactly how they are planning to implement this and what exactly is being done. I need to see more info.

I have a question:

If an illegal without a lisc & ins hits my car, can I just kill them?
Since they are not a US cit does the law apply to them?
Can I impound their car?
Can I make them my slave?

I just saw a sign at a Pizzaria that said something to the affect of, “Because of bad checks writing, you must have a valid NYS driver’s license.”

Now Paco can get a pizza with bad a bad check because there will be no way to find him.:biglaugh:
I guess now even having a license means nothing.

Spitzer and his illegal alien drivers license plan.

NEW YORK (CNN) – New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer is mired in a mess of his own making. The governor’s political fortunes are now in jeopardy because of his brash and impulsive style. Unfortunately, he is also jeopardizing the safety of New Yorkers and debasing their citizenship rights as he flails against the facts, the law and the will of the people.

Governor Spitzer, or Prince Eliot as he seems to think of himself, chose more than a month ago to pay off his campaign promises to socio-ethnocentric activist groups and declared that illegal immigrants should be given New York driver’s licenses. The Good Prince Eliot didn’t bother to discuss his intentions with the leadership of the state Democratic Party or the Democratic leaders in the state legislature, and he didn’t hold a single public hearing.

New York’s neophyte governor simply declared that illegal immigrants “no longer need to hide and pretend they are not here.” Mr. Spitzer needs a stamp on his governor’s ID card that reads “learner’s permit.” Spitzer seems to be pretending that his responsibility to American citizens doesn’t exist.

From the outset, I opposed the governor’s plan and was straightforward in my criticism. Spitzer’s response was to declare critics of his plan as “anti-immigrant.” Upon hearing the governor’s pathetic confusion of immigrant and illegal immigrant, we all knew the governor had abandoned principle and truth to pander for political advantage.

Within days, a public opinion poll showed that almost three-fourths of New Yorkers opposed the governor’s plan, and a long list of distinguished elected officials and public figures joined in that opposition. Prince Eliot, however, insisted he would press ahead, irrespective of the will of the people or the counsel of wiser minds in both political parties.

Over the past weekend, Spitzer met with his good friend, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and conjured up an attempt to create a smokescreen for his retreat from his original proposal, declaring he now wants a three-tiered license system, one that would open the door to massive voter and identification fraud, not to mention the national security concerns.

One of these licenses would comply with the Real ID Act, the Department of Homeland Security’s effort to improve the reliability of identification documents issued by states, and another would be for those who want to enter Canada without using a passport. The third license would be for illegal immigrants, and it would not be valid as identification to board airplanes or enter federal buildings.

Spitzer calls his opponents anti-immigrant, yet he had the temerity to criticize me, saying: “I’m not going to demean myself by getting into a back-and-forth with somebody who on TV spews venom, hate and fundamental misinformation. … It’s beneath me, it’s beneath my office to in any way involve myself with Lou Dobbs, and I think his knowing spread of venom is beneath CNN as well.”

It’s obviously not beneath him or his office to spew up race in this contest of ideas and principles. Race is always the last refuge of pandering political figures who have exhausted their arguments and abandoned reason and fact. This is about the security, safety and citizenship of all Americans. Please, governor, serve the people of New York for a change.
This is a bureaucratic and security nightmare, and while the governor promises the program will run smoothly, Juan Carlos Polanco, GOP elections commissioner in the Bronx, says there are plenty of worries over the National Voter Registration Act. Polanco argues that the threat to our democracy lies in the fact that nobody at the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Board of Elections is cross-checking to make sure that drivers are eligible to vote in the first place.

Lee Daghlian, the public information officer on the State Board of Elections, agrees that this opens the door to rampant fraud. Daghlian says it’s up to registrants to check the correct box, and only if they’re caught providing false information could they be convicted of perjury and fined. So let me get this straight: We’re essentially taking the word of people who have already lied to sneak into this country.

How dare the governor and these groups representing the interests of illegal immigrants demand equal rights to U.S. citizens. I cannot believe we’ve reached a point in this country that propaganda and nonsense have led to a powerful political impulse to give the same rights to illegal immigrants and American citizens.

It’s become clear that Spitzer is treating both the truth and the citizens of the state of New York with absolute disdain. But New Yorkers are making their voices heard as well on this issue, and it’s gratifying to see people taking back their government as best they can. They’re talking to their state senators and state assemblymen and women, and they’re letting this governor know that their prerogatives, their rights as citizens are not something that one arrogant governor is going to give away without a serious fight and lasting consequences.

I never thought I’d do this, but :tup: to Dobbs.

i think it it a good thing, the state gets to make $$ off of people who arent sapposed to live here. NOW make my taxes go down.


i think it it a good thing, the state gets to make $$ off of people who arent sapposed to live here. NOW make my taxes go down.


And it helps keep track of them.

…or it’s a political ploy to garner the hispanic vote in a national election. I seriously doubt any illegals will give themselves up for a drivers license anyway and this leg. may not even be constitutional.

What part of “illegal” in “illegal alien” are you guys not understanding?


What part of “illegal” in “illegal alien” are you guys not understanding?


Its the first step to cleaning up the problem dude. They are here to stay unfortunately.


What part of “illegal” in “illegal alien” are you guys not understanding?


What is your side? spend the $$ to kick them out… that works.

sigh No wonder NY is in the state it’s in.


sigh No wonder NY is in the state it’s in.


When i first heard about it i thought it was a really fuking bad idea. It collects taxes and money from people who would otherwise just went under the radar for the rest of their lives. It also lets the government know where these people are and eventually sets them up for being put into the system like everyone else. The way i see it is that its a start to fixing the problems.

New York’s neophyte governor simply declared that illegal immigrants “no longer need to hide and pretend they are not here.”

:bloated: So in Spitzer’s eyes, it’s OK to sneak in and live here without contributing? They had better have to hide. Fucking leaches.

I’m on the side where I want to keep track of them and tax them, but I don’t want to give them a driver’s license that allows them to cross the border, or use it to get other benefits like disability, welfare, unemployment, vote, etc. If you want these things, become a citizen, or at least get a freakin’ visa!

Now, if their plan all along is to tag and bag them, then I am all for it. But I doubt that’s the case. There are millions of people that have made it here legally, and get the benefits of the effort they put into becoming a citizen. There is no reason that, just because they made it here undetected, that they should be granted these same rights.

And how much tax money comes from someone making a couple dollars an hour?