that is the absolute worst analogy i have every heard. honestly. how can you make a statement like that. let me refute every single point you attempted to make:
i dont care who took steroids on this website, it has no bearing on this argument.
practice gives hitters the skill to square up on a ball and drive their hips through, generating power. proper technique and practice (with talent) provide a repeatable motion to hit. HOWEVER!!! steroid use and illegal performance enhancers enable a professional hit to hit HARDER and hit for greater DISTANCE. you are unintelligent if you think that barry bonds didnt have greater batspeed, or that gary sheffield didnt have freakish ability to turn his hips through and generate supernatural power when pulling the ball.
here is how your analogy would have been correct: “This is like saying that you should take away college degrees from any student that used CHEAT SHEETS WHILE TAKING TESTS”. using steroids put pitchers, fielders, and hitters at a distinct ILLEGAL competitive advantage over everyone else. why do you fail to see this distinction?
Work out. lift waits. treat your body like an income producing asset. but doing something illegal that puts you at a competitive advantage to everyone else is CHEATING. plain and simple.
i want to get rich quick, but i dont go out and rob banks.
i wanted to get a 4.0 in school, but instead of cheating to get it, i took my 3.6 and was happy.
in high school when i played ball, i would have loved to be a power hitter. but instead, i was a singles and doubles guy, and i was happy.
bottom line is, cheaters fucking suck. if you justify cheating, you probably do it to rationalize the fact that you cheat at shit.
I was not going to say anything BUT I will. Before you rip on a guy make SURE your “analogy”[s] are not complete over exaggeration’s. You clearly have no idea about roids or weight traning… Stick to “entertainment tonight” and STFU!
i wanted to get a 4.0 in school, but instead of cheating to get it, i took my 3.6 and was happy.
in high school when i played ball, i would have loved to be a power hitter. but instead, i was a singles and doubles guy, and i was happy.
u R dumbbb :lol: jk man
i think if u haven’t played baseball you don’t really understand how much of a difference it makes, especially over the course of a 162 game season
im so glad clemens got owned over like 8 pages, i despise that fuck in the whole beaning piazza in the head incident, then chucking the bat at him afterwards in a different game. crazy roid raging freak
I was not going to say anything BUT I will. Before you rip on a guy make SURE your “analogy”[s] are not complete over exaggeration’s. You clearly have no idea about roids or weight traning… Stick to “entertainment tonight” and STFU!
:deadhorse2: :rolljerk:
i have no first hand knowledge of steroids, but i know what has been published. i do have first hand knowledge of weight training.
before you rip on a guy, make sure you have valid counterpoints that follow a logical progression. you clearly have no idea about analogies or baseball. have you ever played sports? do you understand that mainstream sports require a significant amount of strength and endurance? do you understand what the impact an illegal edge such as steroids or hgh can provide in terms of increased strength and endurance, and decreased injury recovery period?
while i would certainly try to stick to “entertainment tonight” if i even knew what that meant… i would much rather stick to shooting down unintelligent, misinformed, meathead assholes like you.
“call me crazy but i must be the only one that doesn’t have a problem with them taking whatever the hell they want, except for the ones that broke laws to do so. If there’s still just as much work involved, but you just get a lot more out of it by taking a supplement, IMO it’s stupid to prevent people from doing so. You don’t just take the stuff and wake up jacked and coordinated. It only allows you to break through some of the barriers that nature puts up that hard work won’t let you break through. I don’t expect anyone else to share my opinion, but i’m the type that tries to use every possible advantage that isn’t strictly forbidden. If you got a prescription or used non-controlled substances and managed to compete in the major leagues, good for you for being innovative.”
Yeah im sure bonds would have broke through those natural barriers as he got older n began hitting more home runs. Yeah its hard work its also called gettin older.
Im a meathead but Im a natural meathead. Juice is for pussies!