Mitchell Report - Released!

call me crazy but i must be the only one that doesn’t have a problem with them taking whatever the hell they want, except for the ones that broke laws to do so. If there’s still just as much work involved, but you just get a lot more out of it by taking a supplement, IMO it’s stupid to prevent people from doing so. You don’t just take the stuff and wake up jacked and coordinated. It only allows you to break through some of the barriers that nature puts up that hard work won’t let you break through. I don’t expect anyone else to share my opinion, but i’m the type that tries to use every possible advantage that isn’t strictly forbidden. If you got a prescription or used non-controlled substances and managed to compete in the major leagues, good for you for being innovative.

ok so what about sammy sosa using a corked bat?

Here is every name in the Mitchell report that has a sub-section. This does NOT include people like Karchner, who were witnesses interviewed but never took steroids(they are being erreonesosly included on some lists b/c their name appears in a footnote)


Marvin Bernard
Barry Bonbs
Bobby Estalella
Jason Giambi
Jeremy Giambi
Benito Santiago
Gary Sheffield
Randy Velarde
Lenndy Dykstra
David Segui
Larry Bigbie
Brian Roberts
Jack Cust
Tim Laker
Josias Manzanillo
Todd Hundley
Mark Carreon
Hal Morris
Matt Franco
Rondell White
Roger Clemens
Chuck Knoblauch
Jason Grimsley
Greg Zaun
David Justice
F.P. Santangelo
Glenallen Hill
Mo Vaughn
Denny Neagle
Ron Villone
Ryan Franklin
Chris Donnels
Todd Williams
Phill Hiatt
Todd Pratt
Kevin Young
Mike Lansing
Cody McKay
Kent Mercker
Adam Piatt
Miguel Tejada
Jason CHristiansen
Mike Stanton
Rick Ankiel
Paul Bird
Jay Gibbons
Tros Glaus
Steven Randolph
Jerry Hairston Jr
Paul Lo Duca
Adam Riggs
Briam Miadich
Fernando Vina
Kevin Brown
Eric Gagne
Mike Bell
Matt Herges
Gary Bennet Jr.
Jim Parque
Brenan Donnelly
Chad Allen
Jeff Williams
Howie Clark
Nook Logan

Andy Pettite
Dan Naulty
Jose Guillen
Gary Matthews Jr
Scott Schoeneweis
Jose Canseco
Jason Grimsley
Darren Holmes
John Rocker
Ismael Valdez
MAtt Williams
Steve Woodaward
David Bell
Darren Holmes
John Rocker

In this case, my first impulse would be to let everyone use a corked bat. Because it would upset the balance of the game too much in favor of the hitters, banning corked bats is ok with me. This stuff helps both hitters and pitchers.

lol Chuck Knoblauch

so steroids make u forget how to throw to first huh


lol Chuck Knoblauch

so steroids make u forget how to throw to first huh



steriods only helps rebuild muscle cells, not brain cells chuck!

NOOOo, say it aint soo…Raul Modesi was my favorite.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:12,topic:40216"”]

so what happens to these guys


TBD, but Mitchell has recommended to Selig that no future disciplinery action be taken in regards to past events.





wow john rocker is on that list twice

so true

lol omg rocker was a mess, im suprised he didnt kill someone while he was playing.

LOL @ the names on there. Felix Heredia? Knoblauch? Haha

pujols isnt in the espn list… neither is johnny damon.

who cares… i know ATLEAST 3 people on this site that have used steroids and i would bet if you threw each one of um 100 baseballs at MLB speeds they’d be lucky to get a handfull of good hits let alone home runs.

The drugs didnt give them the skill to play the game, practice did. This is like saying that you should take away college degrees from any student that used adderall when staying up all night to study b/c they " cheated".

i just don’t really care about this


who cares… i know ATLEAST 3 people on this site that have used steroids and i would bet if you threw each one of um 100 baseballs at MLB speeds they’d be lucky to get a handfull of good hits let alone home runs.

The drugs didnt give them the skill to play the game, practice did. This is like saying that you should take away college degrees from any student that used adderall when staying up all night to study b/c they " cheated".


that is the absolute worst analogy i have every heard. honestly. how can you make a statement like that. let me refute every single point you attempted to make:

  1. i dont care who took steroids on this website, it has no bearing on this argument.

  2. practice gives hitters the skill to square up on a ball and drive their hips through, generating power. proper technique and practice (with talent) provide a repeatable motion to hit. HOWEVER!!! steroid use and illegal performance enhancers enable a professional hit to hit HARDER and hit for greater DISTANCE. you are unintelligent if you think that barry bonds didnt have greater batspeed, or that gary sheffield didnt have freakish ability to turn his hips through and generate supernatural power when pulling the ball.

  3. here is how your analogy would have been correct: “This is like saying that you should take away college degrees from any student that used CHEAT SHEETS WHILE TAKING TESTS”. using steroids put pitchers, fielders, and hitters at a distinct ILLEGAL competitive advantage over everyone else. why do you fail to see this distinction?

Work out. lift waits. treat your body like an income producing asset. but doing something illegal that puts you at a competitive advantage to everyone else is CHEATING. plain and simple.

i want to get rich quick, but i dont go out and rob banks.

i wanted to get a 4.0 in school, but instead of cheating to get it, i took my 3.6 and was happy.

in high school when i played ball, i would have loved to be a power hitter. but instead, i was a singles and doubles guy, and i was happy.

bottom line is, cheaters fucking suck. if you justify cheating, you probably do it to rationalize the fact that you cheat at shit.

who cares, baseball sucks anyways


who cares… i know ATLEAST 3 people on this site that have used steroids and i would bet if you threw each one of um 100 baseballs at MLB speeds they’d be lucky to get a handfull of good hits let alone home runs.

The drugs didnt give them the skill to play the game, practice did. This is like saying that you should take away college degrees from any student that used adderall when staying up all night to study b/c they " cheated".


lol u really have no clue do you?

i said clemens months ago. to all the doubters heres your proof.


call me crazy but i must be the only one that doesn’t have a problem with them taking whatever the hell they want, except for the ones that broke laws to do so. If there’s still just as much work involved, but you just get a lot more out of it by taking a supplement, IMO it’s stupid to prevent people from doing so. You don’t just take the stuff and wake up jacked and coordinated. It only allows you to break through some of the barriers that nature puts up that hard work won’t let you break through. I don’t expect anyone else to share my opinion, but i’m the type that tries to use every possible advantage that isn’t strictly forbidden. If you got a prescription or used non-controlled substances and managed to compete in the major leagues, good for you for being innovative.


agree 100% well said