Roger Clemens Hearing

Opening Statements just started. You can see the hate between these two. This is going to be ruthless and ugly. Yet another negative milestone in America’s greatest pastime.

that mcnamee guy is sucha WORM

Not looking good right now. Elijah Cummings is really blasting him right now. Clemens looks like a fool.

All Clemens is saying is that Pettitte “mis-remembers the conversations”.

God I love this. It tarnishes the Yankees and finally gets everyone off the the race card for going after Bonds.

whether or not Clemens actually used HGH/steroids, he is likely to be facing perjury charges in the near future.

not looking good for the rocket.

good. i HATE baseball. sorry guys.

you hate baseball, getting rid of a camaro for a stang, god, what else is wrong with you?

:word: As a rocket fan I hate to see this happen, it’s so…unnecessary. It’s really not looking good for him though. McNamee’s such a little fucking snake.

He deserves it, he was acting like quite the douche

no, it is necessary to show how big of a problem this actually is. just because your a superstar doesn’t mean you get a new set of rules handed to you.

It’s ok. It takes a complex mind to understand the beauty of the game.

Couldn’t agree more. Clemens looks quite guilty right now. The chairman is being a bit unfair in his questioning but there are a lot of things that have been exposed here on both sides. I say lock them both up.

how does it tarnish the yankees?

If i remember these dates are from while he was with the blue jays and the yankees i believe.

nice try tho.

That’s not the issue. The one problem I have with this is that it was okay to blatantly look the other way from this whole “steroid’s in baseball” thing for how many years and then decide to do something about it after the damage had already been done. I’m not advocating the use of performance enhancing drugs in baseball whatsoever. Mitchell just has a hard-on over ruining a few specific players.

so you are defending cheaters and law breakers?

i think that its good that he went after big names, this will show that nobody will get special treatment even if they are a superstar or just an average player. hit them hard and dotn stop. this is just the tip of the iceberg so to say. after clemens is busted in front of congress, i bet ALOT of run o the mill players fess up so the same thing doesnt happen to them

:lol: wow no, not at all. My first post I guess did make it seem like I was somewhat. Clemens, Pettite, and whoever else SHOULD be held accountable for cheating, if found guilty.

ok good

…Nobody is going to associate him with a failing franchise. Former Yankess are coming out and saying they used and they were not even on the Mitchell Report!



the names pettite, clemens and giambi sell an awful lot of yankees jerseys
