
Anyone else sick of hearing about this guy? Like holy shit okay we get it he took steroids…now either the league do something about it or let it go! Every other thing on espn involves him and if it doesn’t thats all the bottomline talks about. How long can you seriously carry this thing out for? Everytime something new happens its another ten fucking shows. Everytime I turn on espn it’s this douchebag’s face talking about how he’s so sorry and how he was young and stupid and blah blah. Bullshit he’s only sorry cause he got caught. I’ve also noticed that the stuff he was taking was not banned at the time. Okay sooo whats the problem? What did he do wrong exactly? Will someone please tell me why the least physically demanding of the four major sports has the biggest if not only problem with steroid use? It’s bad enough these guys get overpaid by like hundreds of millions of dollars but now they have to cheat? Really? Why not try this policy out… Test every player right now and those who test positive automatic life ban from the game. Also start testing on a regular basis for any player caught game over. Problem solved. Discuss.


O and go figure as I finish this what do I hear on my TV in the background?..Yup More about A-hole.

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It worked for him. It can work for you!


Gooooooooooo A-Rod!

hey noob stfu , wah turn the channel you sound like a winy red soxs fan. he has bigger balls than you will ever have to come forward and admit something like that. so the next time you want to post a rant about something you know nothing about just shut up and keep it to yourself
thank you

HAHAHA it’s not like he had a choice but to admit. He got caught. What was he doing the past what 5 years keeping it a secret? oooo yeah talk about big balls. Whats not to know? Overpaid baseball player gets caught using steroids. Then admits and apologizes expecting sympathy? Seems like a pattern these days. Also to be a sox fan i would actually have to be a baseball fan.

exactly your not a fan, just wait for the other 103 to come out. then oh wait lets see them admit it and come clean. and its all bud seligs fault on the steriods problem. after the 1994 strike he turned his head to have more home runs and have fans come back to watch . he didnt care about the future of the sport. players 15 to 20 years ago were doing it. like ken caminitti, but he died. its just that a-rod is the biggest name in baseball thats why his name was leaked first. baseball is alot tougher than most think, its really tough to hit a baseball going 90 to 95 and movement. read your facts first

I honestly don’t care about the facts. You are getting paid millions of dollars to play a sport you have been playing all your life. There is no reason you should be taking steroids. Every hear of working out? training? ya know working hard to get better and not cheat? Steroids have nothing to do with hitting the ball. There is nothing a player can take to help him hit that ball. They simply weren’t strong enough to hit it out of the park so they cheated to get there numbers up. Bottom line. Now exactly what “facts” am I missing here?

This is why baseball sucks now. There is not one superstar in the last 10 years that hasn’t been tied to steroids.

Between that and the criminals in the NBA and the NFL makes the NHL that much better.

Anyone else sick of hearing about Major League sports? Who could really care about these spoiled little brats that have been treated like kings their entire lives because they are good at sports? If this recession collapses Major League sports it wouldn’t phase me a bit. I will pay $100 to attend one of these events when I start making $20 million a year. The whole concept that we hold these people on such a high pedestal is really disgusting in my opinion. The same goes for Hollywood. Losers. It is really sad that these people land huge contracts when we have millions of people out of work.

There is my rant. :smiley:

Yeah i do agree they are way too overpaid, but i still love watching them. Football and hockey anyways. I could careless about baseball and basketball.

lol because your few months of membership and few more post them him make you not a noob?

how about you stfu noob!

i honestly fucking hate when people bitch about athletes and actors. shut the fuck up, you’re mad because they make more money than you? what do u do? work 60hours a week… maybe? these people are working nonstop, 5am til 10pm at night. 7days a week. and they have TALENT, maybe theyre stupid as hell, but hey they have degrees.

the only reason they make so much is because the sporting industry can afford the pay them , (which by the way, will never be affected by our economic situation). If whoever you work for was a multibillion+ per year company im sure they wouldnt mind paying top dollar either, if you were good at what you do.









Pretty please STFU. You make the rest of us baseball lovers look moronic with you incompetence. First off you apparently didn’t listen to the press conference. HE NEVER ADMITTED TO USING STEROIDS! He kept dodging the answer and giving a very good run around on the answer. He admits to taking a substance but said he did not know it was steroids, so he did not admit a damn thing.

Giambi came out and admitted it as well as Pettitte. They actually said that they took steroids, not that they didn’t know or where “young and stupid”. A-Rod insulted the intelligence of everyone listening with that garbage of a press conference. If you were a real fan you should feel embarassed and angry at the fact that he is taking everyone in the baseball world as a complete fool.

Larry Izzo, LB for the Super Bowl Pat, came out and said he was on roids while the team was winning title after title. Nobody batted and eye or gave a shit.

You are giving props to A-Rod for coming out and saying he did it? He didn’t first of all, and second he didn’t do it under his own will so please STFU with that garbage. It takes real balls to admit you did something that wasn’t against league policy and is something that you can not be punished for by MLB standards. Anyone who knows baseball knows he will get into the HOF. He had HOF numbers before he was on roids and has had them every single year since.

You are an idiot.

Stupid thread all together. You are sick of hearing about it but you create a thread to discuss it, thus hear more about it.

Fuck my life, this thread is gay as baseball.
