mitsu wont start...HELP!!!!

okay so i go out to start up the eclipse and it wont start…so i throw it on a charger…its got a full charge and holds a charge…so i thought the fuel might be freezing so i add more gas (it has had a 1/4 in it) it hasnt moved or started since Dec. 15th…

its got almost a full tank
plugs and wires are good
timing is good
it tries to turn over and gergles like not getting fuel

could the fuel pump be frozen?
just a bubble in the line?

what can i do to get it started?

starting fluid crank it for a while come back in 5 minutes try it again it should start. If possible heat the car.

i been trying to start it for a few days ive tried all that…and i cant heat the car…no garage to pull it in well i cant move it to get it in the garage

if it coughs a few times, but just won’t fire… its more than likely fuel line freeze up. get it inside (or wait till it gets above freezing) and it should start. fill it up and put dry gas in. should take care of the problem.

Welcome to Mitsubishi :rofl:

Sorry man … was not to be a dick, inside joke to myself about my old mitsu and why I will never own one again. It just left me stranded everywhere.

ive had it for over a year ive had many problems, engine, tranny, turbo etc etc im use to the problems thats why its for sale!!!

why does everyone have problems with mitshu. ive only ever had an alternator go and a slave cyclinder.

probably because they hammer on them. we have 2, one with 60k and the other with 100k. both are great cars.

hey i never hammered on my car…my turbo exploded and blew up my motor…not bc i was hammering it either, and it only has 87k on the car, well when the motor went it only had 82

gsxgate24. says your from youngstown. You know John Rodrigaz?

From your sig it looks like you have the neon powered mitsu thats why…

Turbo ones just blow … the engines are strong but the rest of the parts blow ass. My engine blew BONE STOCK not beating on it due to the comp resistors leaking and fried the ecu. BULL SHIT then coil packs, alternators, transfercases, and millions of other little things is why they suck … but the 4g63 engine is good and they still use it … just hope they use better quality parts this day and age. THE ONLY vehicle to ever leave me in the middle of the road more than 1 (lots more) and it was stock and I dont beat my cars.

honestly… its all in luck. i’ve towed 2000 + toyota camrys with less than 30k miles from the middle of the road. also, my eclipse isn’t neon powered (shares motor with sebring, avenger, dsms). kind of similar to the neon motor, but defintely different.

That year was only powered by 4g63 and a 2.0 from the neons atleast as far as i knew. Also DSM and mitsu eclipse same car for the most part really was same car till 93 i believe minus bumper changes.

Luck is a major key factor i guess though

no i dont, i dont live in youngstown. i live in an outside city, but no one knows of it so its just easier to say youngstown…ya dig?


did you figure out the problem? did you put a new timing belt on it? when i got rid of my talon the guy put a new timing belt on it and there was some kind of “line” on a cam gear or something, but there is 2 of them, so if you use the wrong one the car won’t start. this is just info i got from him after he had the car so i don’t know how accurate i am with this, but check with some dsm guys. i’m sure they’ll know

yeah, well the water/gas froze in the line and then it broke loose and i ended up fouling up the spark plugs, put new ones in and running like a champ

hmmm… at least it was something small

drives like a champ, $7 for new spark plugs…gotta love it