Mixed Reviews on Rusty and his comeback

I’m trying to remain as Neutral as I can on the issue, but unfortunately on the web if something smells fishy it usually turns out to be so, which is why I have questions.

Where does he work so he can afford 3 serious projects like that?

Why did he keep the shell all this time? If he had plans to rebuild then why all the RIP posts about it? If he didnt have plans why leave a shell kicking around taking up room? My garage has acres of land to deal with and I struggle to deal with my shell, not to mention moving it around.

I think the new e28 is just a daily driver. he hasnt done anything to it as far as I know. The e36 is done. and he already has the engine and suspension for rusty. it was all removed to shave the bay and do some little odds and ends.

also this is very old news. he the post was from the day after Sowo. so he made it public in late may, he obviously had an idea, desire or reason to keep it before he decided to make it public. and the fire was in april. so a month really isnt that long of a period of time to decide what you;re gonna do with a long term project. ive had a broken bmw for 3 weeks now lol

this thing sucks.

im glad it burned.

hopefully it burns again.

FUCKING LOL!!! Decided to “make it public” Give me a fucking break man. Lets face it, it was a whopped 1985 bmw that some guy had some crazy ass ideas for and obviously doesn’t have too much of a life and NOTHING to lose with doing whatever the fuck he pleased with the car. I’m so blown away with the thought process here I don’t even know what to say.

posting a thread/article = making it public.

i bet the fire kept trying to put itself out, didnt want to waste its precious flames on it

Yeh that was funny

[reality] Guess what!? An 85 BMW was a pile of shit off of the showroom floor, and no matter how much you try, you can’t polish a turd. What’s fucked up is this asshole didn’t even try to polish it…he somehow made it worse. Leave it flushed! [/reality]

I’ll disagree.

While I dont like the sketchiness surrounding it, and him clearly doing many things for the attention, as well as some of the mods done, I’m a big fan of him going against the grain and opening up new borders.

He’s innovative and has gone in many ways with his creativity where others havent, nor does he seem to be stopping.

I personally love seeing something different for once as Jdm this, hella flush that gets old after seeing it on every car. And he actually DOES WORK, granted with help but he doesn’t just give it to someone to finish, or do basic bolt on stuff.

He’s definitely heart and soul enthusiast of the culture and understands what it’s all about.

Most of us pride out selves in being car guys and differ from the average person.

Well he prides himself in being a real gear head with his own creation instead of being an average bolt on car guy.

It’s easy to imitate and google your car make and model and see what works well and looks good, it’s hard to try new things.

Yeah, we did it over a decade ago with Toyota Supras. Stunning people with huge power from small motors and showing the domestic people with tunnel vision what’s up. That was cool-this pile is not. But hey, I’m getting old. What do I know.

I can’t believe how many people sit around and jerk each other off over these half assed pieces of slag now. Its Fucking disgusting. Its like the entire idea has gone from if its broke fix it and have a perfect nice specimen of a car to if its broke duck it break it more make it shittier and then brain wash all the dumbassed lemmings making up our work to think your broke Shit is cool

Agreed. It’s really all the internets fault. It allows people without a lot of extra funds to come up with ‘cheap’ ideas to make stuff ‘unique’, and also allows these piles to reproduce at a rapid rate.

Rat rods are nothing new you know…

Yeah but most rat rods rusted naturally over years or rotting in a field. Then some dude took that car and brought it back to life as best he could. They didn’t take a fully operational painted car and ruin it

There was always improvement or restoration in a rat rod. Taking the dilapidated and breathing life back into it. Not taking the life out of the car to get it to the zombie point purposely


I dig it, and all the work that has been done to the car.

Every rat rod owner can spray the car with primer and many do. Why do some leave the rust look? Because they like it. You think every part they’ve ever bought came rusted? No they actually had to rust some pieces to make it match with the rest of the car.

Slamming/ruining (in most cases) a perfectly operational suspension isn’t logical either, yet it is the new craze.

While im not a fan of the look of the car, I can admire the work that went into it. There isnt a ton of people out there in the car scene today that still fabricate and do really custom stuff to their car. Most simply buy parts and bolt them on.

Thats what im sayin’. Ton of fabrication on this car.

That car is like a fat stinky ass slob whore with nice shoes. I wouldn’t wanna be seen in it.