mmm 180

i got looking on this web site in japan with all 180s just fucked right up. in agood way. mods i can only dream about with a 40g salary. gave me a hard on. no lie.

1 decent car out of all those pics, all the rest = rice.

agreed :slight_smile:

I honestly didn’t see anything I liked.

agreed X2
this was the only tasteful car out of all that
everything is was just rice

I can’t agree with luis, but definitely only a few cars in there that are sexy.

ie: the few without silly bodykits and just a nice set of wheels. Who knows whats under those hoods ;]

the gold vert would be nice if it didnt have those gay fog light molded into the bumper

the orange one with the wangan wing also has potential

didnt like the rest tho

good link, i wonder how much of the aero on the cars was actually functional.