RICE: someone please buy this 180sx and put it out of its missery :(

Yea so randomly searching the Kijiji this afternoon and came across this poor 180sx … Epic rice :frowning:




Seriously makes me sad to see things like this :frowning:

OMG … after just looking over the pictures again … The licence plate says DRFTKING … i feel sick

you know… minues the cheap bumper, hood, wing, sideskirts, fenders, and paintjob… i think it looks alright!

Yeah i only like the rims lol

haha well yea I’m sure its clean … but yea the best thing you could do would be low ball the shit out of him then with the cash you saved throw on some proper aero and paint … and as far is I know it has a ballin (sterio) … yea that’s his spelling not mine

… and oh if the owner is on this forum I’m so very sorry that I’m ripping on you … just saying

i dont think its that bad at least its a 180sx, ive seen much worse on this forum

I dont understand why people put a racing stripe on cars =/ Looks fucking stupid

This guy lives in bellville or bomenville, whereever the closest town to shannonville is, after i left the track 2 summers ago he was sitting in the A and W parking lot in my 180 and he was super stoked on my car, talking about how he wanted to drift his but was scared that he would damage it…when he first got it he tried to drift it and curbed it or some shit. anyways, he was all tryin to get me to look at his car…truthfully i wanted nothing to do with it.

Whattt? That thing is gross, in the worst way. eghk.

I’ve seen this guy at Shannonville before.

with a fresh coat of paint different bumpers it would look alot better. but to be honest i dont mind it. dont get this confused with liking it alot or loving it. i just think you guys are being to hard on it

Yeah, I saw this car at Shannonville too when I was there last season. I even have a pic of me and a buddy and this car is in the background. lol

New aero, wing and a coat of paint and it’s fine, looked clean when I saw it.

… he just needs to graduate from fast and furious fanboy status… then again i think lots of us love fast and furious even for the bad acting :slight_smile: … I’m stoaked for the next one lmao

Seen this guy at cayuga in the hard parkers area.

i m not a fan,

stock aero looks so much more badass.

and the license plate should go to someone who actually drifts … like one of our pro dmcc drivers as a tribute to their skills … ahaha

^the plate is lame… i dont care who you are lol

as bad as it looks. at least he has drifted at the track. whats your guys excuse. stop hating haters

OMGZ!!111! i want that aero for my convertible!

If i had a drift missle, i would totally rock that aero.

I wouldn’t give a shit either If I had nothing to lose.

we all thought this was cool at some point of time

My car had that bumper when i bought it, i told him to keep it. Well almost lol

knew it was going to be this car soon as a saw the thread name , he lives in belleville saw him a tim horton’s when i was up there picking up part’s