Modern Warfare 2 for the PC is going to suck


Yes the level is still in on all platforms with an option to skip it if your to much of a pussy

AHh fuck I just check 5 different sites that had the leaked footage, activision took it down on all of them

but i just found this one…

Its the second video

awesome cant fucking wait!

that shit was ridiculous… i played that back in college and it was rare to find a server where someone wasn’t running an aimbot headsnot sniping people through walls with an awp…

i just hate trying to aim with the damn controller…

Controller isn’t that bad at all, you get used to it.

One thing keeping you sane is you remember that others are dealing with the same controls as you.

Vlad I deserve a super rep for my comment.

I saw the torrent out today for xbox…I think im gonna buy it on PS3 as I know more people that play it on there. Should be a hell of a game