Modern Warfare 2

well those 2 could be easy answers… claymores dont go off if you use the perk cold blooded and if you use scavenger you keep collecting noob tube ammo and gun ammo. AS well as one man army if you switch to your second weapon it gives ammo to the first and when you switch to the first weapon it gives ammo to the second.

The guys claim the claymores make the ‘click’ when they are triggered, but not explosion occurs. The noob tube thing I am referring to is not scavenger enabled… I mean like as fast as you can shoot an assault rifle, it shoots noob tube grenades. Basically it fires explosive bullets.

damn i wish that glitch was on xbox lol. I see alot of javelin glitching where when you kill a guy the javelin kills everyone around him but never the noob tube glitch. Wish i knew how to do that :slight_smile:

On another forum the guys who mentioned the noob tube hack were all on Xbox.

i think its fixed now but it was annoying as fuck last night

I have played with the unlimited grenande shit and its annoying as hell dudes just sit and launch the whole game …

i watched a guy doing it, he had the perk that let you change classes when ever. He was tubing, changing his class to the same class and it would restock his ammo. Theres probably another glitch for it but thats what this kid told us he was doing.

The Jav glitch is fixed supposedly, that + danger close was hilarious when there are a bunch of people around.

Theres a knife glitch too, you get an airdrop, equipt the canister and you can run 2x as fast as you do with lightwieght, you can still knife people with the canister… its anouying as fuck when they have commando on and knife you from 15ft away.

I cant stand hardcore at all anymore. in WAW i loved it, this game drives me nuts dying all the time. Spawns are still shit too.

lol if you get in with our group you would love hardcore hq…We get to like 170-190 and just sit and hold the caps and get mad points.

ill be playing cod all day on 360 till i buy it for my ps3 that i picked up today

you faggots never answer my messages when i send them asking if there are spots open. I played agianst you guys last night and dudes were bitching up a storm about all the tubing.

we are usually full. Theres a group of about 13 of us and we all fight over being in the main 6 man party.

add me Psn. OuttaControl347

to everyone: What’s your favorite/most useful weapon for online. I’d been using the scar, but i gota say i’m becoming a big fan of the ump.

anyone get into a match last night and have it like super fast? everyone sounded like chipmunks?

I usually rock the m4 and scar til i hit 60 or so…i can have both guns completed by then…Sniper levels i use the barrat… Once i hit 70 i use the ak47 til i can prestige.

Famas is sick if you are serious and want to get nukes however if your just having fun like me i rock an acr with a noob tube and a thumper as my off hand.

m4 with red dot and the shotgun attachment…yes the shotgun attachment rocks dont doubt me

with a rpg for my secondary

On hardcore M16 with fmj always iron sights for small maps acog for big maps with a stinger
or a semi auto sniper with acog or the stock sight
m4 fmj and stinger
aug grip red dot and stinger

i like the Tar-21 with the red dot and grenade launcher as the primary then the striker with red dot as secondary.
or ill use the RPD with the red dot and grip as the primary and the striker as secondary.

i normally dont snip but just started using the WA2000 and i actually like it.

ya the wa2000 with the acog is my stuff in the wastland