Modern Warfare 2

you have to play the single player though so you can learn the maps. anyone else play on ps3?
i have been playin with tonydsrt, we should get a bunch of people together and just make people mad. camp it up hahah

i couldnt add you. add mine. chadnel25

just sent the request

ok ill get it when i get home

That game is pretty sick… Love it.

I Noob tube everyone on this game… Beatniksoldier is my gamertag. Xbox360

lol i love doing that. ppl get so pissed.

i just bought a new xbox so no more breaking :crossfingers:

lol ya its fun as hell. I play hardcore headquarters with a couple friends and we rip shit up.

I play hardcore anything now… no more unloading a full clip into someone :finger2:

Noob tube? Enlighten me to this “h4x0r” phrase?

Edit: NVM, solved my crisis.

you were whooping my ass last night. haha

sprsprtchevy72 on PSN

Im usually on after about 10pm central time

So I’ve been seeing a lot of people complain about cheaters in this game. I haven’t personally witnessed or experienced it at all. I’m on PSN and most of the guys complaining have Live.

Has anyone here been a victim of cheaters?

Also there is apparently an “Infected” achievement that can be unlocked. Does anyone have that? Rumor has it that it started by an employee of Infinity Ward and is spread every time he knifed someone. Then each someone can knife others and spread it. I want someone with it to knife me for some trophy points.

sounds pretty cool with the infected achievment.

what do you mean by people cheating though?

Some of the things people have been bitching about:

Getting out of the map and sniping (more of a level glitch)
shooting noob tube ammo out of an automatic weapon
running past claymores and not exploding
auto-headshot aimer bots (get a headshot every time)
‘elevators’ and ‘elevating’ - being able to rise up into the air WAY above the map and shoot down
Unlimted ammo
No reloads

those are the ones I remember off the top of my head

i need some of those!

the headshots thing, i noticed that id be shot nowhere near the head and die in 1 shit sometimes. i just figured cause i sucked.

i have seen the elevating on the burger town board

There are spots in a few multiplayer maps where you can do it. One in favela is actually awesome for sniping. You can elevate to a really high building fairly far off the actual map. The normal elevating keeps you locked into 1 spot or at least a very tight spot. Elevating up to the top of the building lets you hide and run around. I saw a bunch on YouTube so I know what to look for.

you mean the muliplayer map where you run between the 2 buildings? and the helicopter is in the middle?

That is Highrise. The top of the one building is accessible by design. It’s just a PITA to get up there without dying.