MoHud SCCA Auto X Sat and Sun April 25/26, 2009

Pretty good, Ryan. Just some quick corrections - I want to make sure no one misses out on discounts if they decide to get a membership:

Event entry fees:
$25 - member
$40 - non-member (aka “temporary membership”)

First Gear membership (< 25yrs old) - $45/yr
No membership fee discount beyond the First Gear discount.

Individual membership (25+yrs old) - $80/yr ($65 nat + $15 local dues)

  1. If someone is interested in an Individual membership, make sure you get a referral from a member, and you get $15 off your 1st year’s membership fee ($80-$15=$65). Just ask a member for their membership number to put on the application.

  2. If you decide to join later, you can apply up to 3 events’ temp memberships towards a full membership ($15/event - up to $45 total = $35 up to $65 for 1st yr membership).

Lastly, a note on temp memberships:
On those weekends where we have 2 events (like 4/25-4/26), 1 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday, since a temp membership is good for 3 days, if you enter a Saturday event, then you pay the member price ($25) for the Sunday event.

Hope that helps. If you have questions, just let me know.