moms last night

after a long day of work. fought with 1 trailer, then got another trailer finally got the car loaded up and headed out round 7. missed 1st round, barley made it for the 2nd round…

best pass 11.70 at 118 elmi pulled a 1.68 and missed 4th at 11.9 at 97mph. over all happy with the performance of it…

no spray no kenne bell

nice time, nothing worse than getting a good launch and then missing the last shift. How come no spray?

nice results man :tup:

:tup: hell yea ted.

last moms race a certian red 03 cobra with a KB went 11.8, so i know how happy you are, ill make sure to tell pat. :smiley:

…went mid 10s at 127 all night.

Fuel issue with spray not right goes lean

Will be up and running for the next race

:tup: good times

hey nice times man

Nice times, kick myself in the ass for not going and being a pussey cuz the weather.

good stuff man

yea weather was kinda shitty glad i went though. still a good turnout… not alot of buicks there but still a good night…

Bad azz has vids posting up after he gets done editing.

last pass sucked missing 4th i think it would have been at least 11.40 pass or better…

yeah Ill get the big moms vid up and get you a vid too ted, ive just been non-stop busy lately