More bang for you buck!

Im sure everyone has noticed the sticker at every pump that says "volume has been corrected to 15 degree C


lots of ppl are idiots lining up for 1cent lower then the pump across the street IDLING that 1cent away. or just waiting in line, the time waiting u culda been long gone finished pumping at other one. in the end u dont save nothing unless u fill a full tank u truly dont save much. only thing u save is over a years length calculated. but i bet u spend more to macdonalds a year then that.

u wanna save gas? weight reduction! windows up! no a/c! dont pass 2.5 rpm

thats kinda gay its not times these are Tactics from the MAN I tried this and i was empty before the fill up and $15 got me a Quarter tank on a 2008 Versa at 1.29$ per liter and i tried the filling up slow trick =(

Buy a smart car, hybrid, or shut the fuck up.