More battlefield 3 goodness

I don’t understand why you can’t accept

good graphics+good gp lol, I tried Pyckuu, that didn’t work :tongue.

You won’t know if it’s good gp until you try playing it :vlad

Dude. It’s BF. GP is going to be as good or better than any other FPS out there. It’s pretty much a given. They have reviews and previews from game sources like IGN for a reason.

What is happening ITT?

A discussion?
I dunno why you guys are excited about, that’s all.
Never liked battlefield.

Oleg im going to cunt punt you…

Not possible, I’m male.



What else is there to do at work…:clap

BF2 and Bad Company 2 were totally different games, I liked them both, but I prefer BF2 style any day, and if BF3 is like BF2 just with better graphics I’m a happy camper.

Game does look pretty fucking good.

BC2 was terrible. Period. I am still PISSED I bought it, and play BlackOps still…
After hearing about this ‘omggameenginez’, BC3 it should be sick.

What was terrible about it? The fact that you can’t go prone? That’s about it.

Multiplayer is way better than CoD in terms of realism, etc. Bringing down a building and getting 5 kills is FUN. Bullet drop is LEGIT. Etc. etc.

CoD is an Arcade FPS. Not very realistic. Until they replace the graphics/physics engine, I will never buy that game instead I’ll download it just to play the story mode. That’s it.

But to play and play and play…online…it’ll be Battlefield. Awesome product.

You can diss CoD however you like, but I never had as much fun playing online as when I was playing CoD4. It never advertised itself as as sim, and it played awesome.
MW2 was poo though, they shifted balance towards camping so any kind of run and gun became very difficult.
Spawning, taking a step and getting sniped made me stop playing it.

COD4 was great wont argue that…

If you say so. lol.

They fixed a lot of the problems of MW2 in Black Ops.