More bombs go off in London

Wow. Re reading that it makes no sense. If you get what I’m trying to say great. If not, I don’t care.

Politics sucks, everyone is right and everyone else is wrong. You’ll never change someone elses mind.

Work day done. :slight_smile:

see what happens when you ban firearms…if the public had em the coulda shot the fool.

that’s not particularly true. I have had my mind changed ons everal occassions…the key is to be as bad as me and no you can’t do that!

being truly open minded is one of my #1 goals in life an even I suck at it
but it’s a worthy undertaking, god forbid anyone else try

fat boy on a diet, don’t try it, or I’ll check your ass like alooter in a riot

now listen to this and be enlightened


people are messed up

the war on terrorism will never work for 2 reasons.

  1. you cant attack a country and win since the terrorists are spread over the whole earth.
  2. You cant win a war agaisnt an enemy that has no rules of warfare and you are stuck following a bunch of rules.

pretty much. too many foreign fighters coming into the country continuously. what good does it do if we kill 5 of them if 5 more come right aross the border the same day. and this wont just stop either, too many otherwise peaceful muslims are driven by anger right now, and its costing us everyday.

i could launch into an extensive little rant here, but i will STFU until i am out of the military, once im home, all bets are off.

or, if our current leaders weren’t so invested in the oil fields of the middle east, we could take the money we are spending on wars and develop alternative fuels…more expensive? yes. less efficient? possibly. If we could remove ourselves completely from the middle east the war on terror would end for the most part. The terrorists main argument is “get the fuck off our holy land” and I am not trying to justify terror under any circumstances. But look at it this way. How would you like it if a stronger country overthrew our government, put one of ther buds in power and started cutting down all of our forests for wood? it aint right. Just to reiterate, I do not feel acts of terror are the appropriate way to deal with a situation, I’m just asking you to look at the situation through the eyes of the people of the middle east. Of course the strong connection between church and state over there makes any proper foriegn policy impossible. We are in a mess…

I don’t blame them for wanting us out…but killing is never the answer…if Bush is so christian what ever happened to turning the other cheek?

of course action needs to be taken…but there is no response we could possibly choose that would be ethical and efficient in ending terror.

we are fucked
