More fucking drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O i got some good pics of that cunt,fully fucking naked!!!

hahah jenn acts like no one ever saw those pics before :rolleyes:

devin wont post htose pics. he cares for her way to much to do that. its just hard, very hard right now. life as you know it isnt the same and wont be to that void is gone

It doesn’t fucking matter if the entire world saw them already. It wasn’t right what you did.

Anyways, back on-topic… someone take Devin out tonight… he needs it!

drinking wont solve his problems, just has to figure things out for himself and no one can help him achieve that

Fuck that george,if i ad beer i would be drinking already!!! And when i do fucking drink the very bad side comes out of me and well sometimes i fucking love it!!!

damn guy… don’t do anything stupid… the bitch isn’t worth it.

start breaking shit… that helps me when i’m worked up

go beat on the gtp … :cool:

I know it doesn’t solve anything (not to mention “out” doesn’t necessarily mean drinking). But it can get his mind off it for a little while, help him relax.

Devin, you can always hit me up on AIM if you just wanna get shit off your shoulders… ask Cutty if I’m a good listener / advice giver. :slight_smile:

i cared for jackie too, i was really broken up over this shit that you and no one else would know…but no one deserves a girl like that or like devon had, so i got pissed and posted pics big deal it’s overwith move on jenn.

but devon at least you can put her out of your mind and don’t have to deal with all your friends being interconnected, everyone on a website legghumping her, and people bragging about going out with her. it’s hard to dissassociate yourself from stuff when it’s become part of your life for so long and other people dont’ make it any better. my advice is to just get out and hang out/meet new people…find another side of town and hang out with friends you met there…least that’s what i’m trying to do and it’s helping

x2 thanks again.

no just go buy or steal a ford and push it off a cliff.

Thanks for caring people but i am just going to kill him and her! :down: :mrT:


Somehow, I don’t think that’s a good idea!

[QUOTE=SleeperGTP]Thanks for caring people but i am just going to kill him and her! :down: :mrT:[/QUOTE


yo dev itll be alright !!! gimmie a call if ya want everything will be ok !!! u n the guys should come up one weekend and ill throw a kegger !!!

oo can i come too?

ur not old enough !!! plus u dont drink do you ???

i’m older than j00

no i don’t drink but i still like to hang out

Dont Do Nothing Stupid Devin!!!take It Out On A Escort!