More fucking drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quit Fucking Whoring Up This Serious Fucking Thread!!!

:eek2: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Hey if you end upgoing to Philly as 2FNFAST said I would come up for a beer or two!

go to NC with me and jason on the 18th weekend :embarassd

wheres devin??

radio just said there ajumper on a bridge somehwhere in pittsburgh

if he’s down here, he’s soaking wet right now.


Joined: 22 Sep 2003
Posts: 889
Location: latrobe pa
Age: 58

Posted: Today at 4:18 pm

Just heard that there is a jumper on the Speers bridge over the Mon river near Charleroi. Damn I wish i had my boat in the water. Be kinda funny to taunt the coward to jump.Last time some a-hole jumped the dumb facker missed the water and landed on the shore. Stuck in the mud a few feet. the firemen pulled him out and he only broke a few leg bones. hell i would have rolled his ass right back to the bridge deck and said lets do it right. Away we go chump. Ker plunk…

I hope you’re joking… and if you are, that’s not something to joke about!

hahaa … devin better not of went to speers…

btw: that’s not pittsburgh!!!

look im not joaking ive known devin since i was six

called him he assured me he would put a bullet in his head before jumping off a bridge!

he on his way to brians!

all cool!

called him he assured me he would put a bullet in his head before jumping off a bridge!
How re-assuring.

that is re-assuring if u knew devin as good as i do

i know what gun he carries and what bullets

ie hollow points are expensive he wouldent waste one on himself!

so that mean he ok! :bigthumb:

my man has some good points!

I believe you. :slight_smile:

u say u love her, but yet call her a “fucking cunt”…strange


he’s here & safe!!! :boink :naughty: :hitit:


Cant say I know ya all that well, but I wouldnt want to see anything bad happen to ya bro. Girls suck, no doubt about it. And everyone will tell you to get over it, move one, forget about her, which of course is easier said than done. Just remember that time heals all wounds. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Surround yourself with good friends, and have some good times. Dont let this bitch torment you even after you have split. You are a free man, enjoy it. Things could always be much, much worse, so try and think about whats going right in your life, and not whats going wrong.


cool that boy needs some comforting

some good words, really they are but sometimes everything is going wrong and its hard for ppl to think positive when everything goes to shit