More fucking drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

devon you pansy go out and fuck some woman :slap:

want to start boxing Devin…you can go to the gym i used to box at

hey i fucken made it through and i’m just a redneck wigger gangsta midget who drive pieces of shit rust buckets that my parents own…thanks for the positive reasurance guys :finger:

your still :greddy2: :kekegay:

:rofl: I can see that bridge from my house. He was down as of around 4PM.

Thanks guys for the reassuarance and looking out for me but don,t fucking whore up the fucking thread!!! I really do love her still and yes kolar she still is a cunt! A cunt that i love to death and wopuld die for,now how many people do u all know that would really die for you? huh? I thought so,i was with this cunt for 6 years and yes we broke up about 3 times but i always trusted her to the full extent,and she goes and does that and all in all i would take her back cause people make mistakes you know?And iu love her still as much as the day we met!Sad yes,true?Yes… I am not right in the head,i,ll tel u all that right now cause i have nothing to fucking hide,but fucking please,i love the fucking WHORE to death still and don,t know why! :dunno: And all you that say you have been through this…well it was 6 fucking years and i don,t want to hear about your petty2-4 year relationships cause they aint SHIT! we were gonna get married and talked about it often! For those who truly undersand me thank you again. All in all i want to beat the fucking shit and shoot the mother ucker still and then cock slap and shoot that fucking cunt still and no fucking person can still talk me out of it! I am not a fucking attention getter too if thats what some of you fuckers are thinking i just like to try an fucking get some of my fucking aggravasion out on here!So fuck you! I,m gonna drink my self stupid right ow nd pass out so i,ll be around for your rude and fucked up comments!!! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

i dont know shit cause ive never been even remotely close to where ur at but i hope everything turns out ok for you !!! i believe in fate and things happen fora reason… take that as u will or not it doesnt matter but ill pray for ya anyway that things work out !!!

devin will do just fine



haha… dumbass

LOOK HERE COCK SUCKER>>>>HERE,S MY FUCKING #…412-302-8811…use it fucker!!!

:cuddle: calm down buddy

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :moon: Y?

I’m not into guys, sorry homo

you deserved that comment from me. Check yourself into a mental institution

I love you to buddy :love:

:naughty: :offtopic:


Sat=Touch BITCH! :bigok:

I’m in, you driving?

Where the fuck are you at today let alone sat? :bowrofl:
