more lol'ing at the stoner

lol, retired

williams FUCKED HIMSELF by WALKING OUT ON HIS TEAM for marijuana

if his knees are so bad, why is he playing in the CFL? i understand why he HAD to come back to the NFL (8million reasons a year to be exact), but if he is SUSPENDED, why is he still playing for a club with NO AFFILIATION to miami or the rest of the NFL when he could be quietly toking away back home?

and joe, you’re a nub for not realizing the pot reference…no reason to “404 not get it”…ricky williams life is ruined because of pot and he should be looked down upon for his monumental failure

not saying pot is bad nor do i condone it, but ricky williams is a fuckup and i opt to laugh at him…greatly and often…and he makes it easier by doing this…