More money down the... [Obama's National-Service Budget]


Why cant we use this money for something important like curing cancer?

Obama’s wasteful spending sure sucks but I’ve often wondered what we could of done with the trillions spent on the middle-east… like possibly building a hospital for our returning soldiers that wasn’t rat infested and filthy, cough Walter Reed cough, ah the possibilities are endless!

I completley agree, between all the retarded ways we spend money in this country, we probably could have cured cancer, aids, parkinsons, diabetes, etc…etc… in the last 5 years alone.

We don’t need a cure for cancer. We need a cure for the poison McDonalds, Burger King, and all the other slop houses people call food and shovel daily.

Need a cure for the antibiotics and pharmaceuticals that wind up in the drinking water.
Need a cure for runaway capitalism. People get cancer because they are slowly poisoned so some assholes can make another dollar.

i think everyone is correct in this thread. Americans are consumers in the very definition of the word.

EDIT: does anyone know exactly what this private army of Obama is going to do or why we need them? I haven’t seen any info regarding the actual duties. The reason I ask is he said in a speech they would be better trained/funded/equipped than the military… I don’t remember which speech though.

what are the death squads i keep hearing about? lol, so comforting hearing about presidential deal squads…

sarah palin was spouting some bullshit that the government was gonna make panels of government bureaucrats to decide if old people get to live or die. :bloated:

On a side note, when is Sarah Palin gonna shut the fuck up.

Was the death panels comment, before or after she quit her job?

Either way she needs to keep her mouth shut.

death panels is a BS rumor. I sat with Brian Higgins for 3 hours last friday and he is on the commitee who is handling the healthcare bill, i’m pretty sure he said he was one of the original sponsors.

(shocked I was in the same room as a democrat?)

back on topic…

She’s been saying it nonstop for the last few weeks. She said it again this morning in an editorial in the wall street journal. She’s following the Rove school where if you keep repeating a lie and ignoring when it is discredited, people believe it. See John Kerry’s war service.

you keep saying this but you need to understand that there is no profit with a cure. so why would a pharmacutical company want a cure when they can just keep perscribing thousands of dollars of meds for the ill to keep them alive long enough for a healthy profit? this is one of many reasons that we need health reform.

But your right, we should stick with the republicans plan of ???

The best Republican in the Democrats arsenal.

Except she has the stupid old people believing it. The ones that believe someone in Nigeria left them lots of money. And 99% of them vote.

Ron Paul '08!

I know exactally which one your taking about, but finding it i dont know. I remember on 930 AM they were talking about it during election day too. You could also throw in Ms. Obamas speech where she is saying that Barack wont let you to continue life “uninvolved”.

It gets confusing to stay on top of. Then theres all the Acorn crap too.

What I think is completley lame is from the article :

" The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education said in a statement that its bill’s level of funding “puts AmeriCorps on the path” to having 250,000 participants in 2017, a goal approved by Congress earlier this year in the Serve America Act. AmeriCorps has about 75,000 participants this year "

Anyone ever been to or in Americorp? I had to do some community service there a number of years ago for getting some bad traffic tickets ,but anyways, that place is a friggen joke. We sat around about 75% of the time and most people that were there by choice were only there for the small pay check and education assistance.

Violator I agree with some of what you are saying but I have seen healthy people die from cancer too. Sometimes its a disease that strikes with no sense and thats what makes it so horrible. My mom at 20 yrs old, lost her mom to cancer, I never even met her. She didnt drink, smoke, ate well, etc. and at about 50 yrs old lost her fight.

A guy I know through another message board named chris lives over near lancaster/alden, hes early 20’s (not sure his exact age), and has lymphoma. He’s fighting it but he’s also currently under chemo and alredy had surgery. We donated $100 and some stuff for a pig roast / raffle to his fund on the forum because at the time when he found out he didnt even have health insurance either! Luckily he got medicaid (or medicare?) after some fighting. Heres a post to the thread if anyone cares :

I could keep goin on with cancer stories unfortunatley…

I dunno I get worked up about cancer, its a fucked up disease.