Air bubble around temp sensor, bad temp sensor, or (not unheard of at all) another bad tstat…?
You could also try a heater bypass and check to see if the temp gauge still fluctuates.
Air bubble around temp sensor, bad temp sensor, or (not unheard of at all) another bad tstat…?
You could also try a heater bypass and check to see if the temp gauge still fluctuates.
sell it man, seems like too mnay problems to deal with.
Did you get a tstat from advance?
i replaced mine with a AAP in teh 240… then was almost over heating… i just went and got a oem one from nissan. same thing with my truck…
i think it sounds like a bad temp sensor like Lyndon said…
OEM Tstat as of a few weeks ago, temp sensors typically throw a code when they go, I may have to check to see if I can find their resistance value and test it.
it’s a stick right? sell it to me
Haha, no not giving up that easily.
Update: Datalogged the car yesterday and it gets to 170 degrees and just stays there for a bit. 170 degrees seemed low, but I double checked and that is the OE temp for the car.
Shot the blog with a infrared thermometer and the block was at ~184 degrees on top of the block which also seemed proper.
It still seems like an air bubble issue so I’ll see if I can weed it out of there to be absolutely sure.
this would help you “squeeze” out the bubbles if you have any
that would add more air to it , best way is to jack the nose of the car up with cap off fill and run for a while with cap off add as neccasary
damn wtf sounds like a bitch
Running? Whats the justification for that VS off?
as its runnin the water pump will fill the coolant liners and air is pushed to the top ,with the cap off and front end lifted the highest point is the cap so air will be expelled out of there
Dude Subby’s are a cocksucker to bleed… I have this thing which you can get here:
It essentially raises the highest point in the system up.
Did a timing belt and water pump on a subby the other week and even with that thing it was a cunt.
those things are the tits ,we have one at the shop .so much easier
I’d like one myself.
I was looking to get the raised point funnel for a while. I actually couldn’t get it through the tool catalog.
next job i need it for i will have it, guaranteed.
supposed to be delivered to the house tonight actually.
Hmmm tempting to swing by, I should be in the area.
unfortunately i won’t have any room or time. there is still junk in my garage. i will definitely let you know when it’s free, should be sometime next week after work one night?
Sure. Or you could meet me at my place.