OK folks, you ready?
last month, my s13 ka24de was running badly, no power, and luke warm heat… the heat from the blower never got hot, and that saddened me.
then, out of nowhere, i cracked my radiator. may have been too much water in my coolant system, but, what-evs. small crack on the top, passenger side, in the front where the hose goes… so i’d drive short distances, by the time the motor got to running temp steam would start pissing out from under the hood… this scared me, but it never overheated, so, no harm i suppose.
So, i pick up another rad off a sonling… head to the store, pick up a new t-stat and some coolant, off to my buddies place to replace the rad/t-stat/coolant. and my buddy loans me a walboro, which, as soon as i pulled out of his drive way after we installed it, the power problem was gone, my car was FAST AGAIN! (KA fast… dont hate)
Finish that… bleed it… no heat from the blower… but… idling theres no overheatage.
thinking were finished, we pack everything up, i say goodnight, start heading home, i make it 2 kilometers and im at the H… overheating.
shut off the motor, drive some, overheat again, shut off the motor, drive some, overheat…
motor off again… wait a bit… go for another, wamp wamp, dead battery.
Next day, we remove the thermostat and do some boiling water test… the T-stat opens…
heh… so faulty T-stat theory, demolished.
ok. what do i do…
How’s about i run T-statless? why not…
Put it all back, no T-stat, drive allllll the way home, no overheating, running at my regular operating temperature… BUUUUT no heat from the blower
:(. not COLD per se… just not HOT… maybe luke warm?
drove this way for a week… NO PROBLEMS, just… not HOT, its getting brutally cold yall… I want HOT!
i tell my boi, im freezing, and how am i supposed to get a chick in this frozen ass car?? can’t do it.
ok, well… lets try putting a new t-stat.
do it all up, bleed it…
SAME THING AS BEFORE!!! :@:@:@:@:@:@:
i make it a kilometer from my buddies house, all the way to the H, overheatage.
So, as i sit here, very annoyed, slightly angered, trying to think logically about this…
No T-Stat = No overheat
No T-Stat = luke warm heat from the blower (unless its negative temperature outside)
W/T-Stat = Overheats
W/T-Stat = CONSTANT COLD AIR!!! even when im overheating (wtff??)
so fellas… chikitas who are sexy enuff to drive a 240…
what am i doing wrong, what arent i doing right, is there a problem im unaware of or not considering… what… the… fuck…
Couple things to add, i had this no heat from the blower problem last year, I changed my waterpump, got a LITTLE bit more heat, but still not hot.
Ive also experienced a bubbling from my coolant resevoir over various periods, never stopping entirely, ussually consistant after driving longer than 20 minutes.
I would really love a situation where my car doesnt over heat, and my heater system works well
Help me son,
your my only hope.