Been up since 5 here and about to leave for nice ,sunny,white sanded,topless beaches Bahamas…later guys! Happy Thanksgiving!
been up all night in pain:bash: …leaving in like a hour to go get 2 impacted wisdom teeth pulled …:sadwavey: :mad: :jerkit: some turkey day i’m gonna have
been up since 5 am, im laid off and cant think strait
Getting ready for work…half a day today…
Bahamas = have a good time
Wisdom teeth = been there, 2 out of 3 dentists recommend a Hottie to speed the healing process
Laid Off = Hopefully it’s just a break in the action
off to work for last day then off till tuesday…hopefully going to make some nice progress assembling and dissasembling 6ohs and 6sevens
work today tomorrow friday saturday… fun fun fun.
devin fuck you…
slolow… atleast you have mashed potatos and cranberrys right? good luck you will be alot better by friday. to drink
Whats sleep
Insomnia sucks ass
up at 4:30 sucks getting old
up since 640, work isnt going to be much fun unless it warms up realll soon
dammit now im late, damm you pewter
take my TBSS u’ll get there to early!
Almost no one at work, so I’ll actually get a lot done today.
Enjoy the Bahamas!
busy day today too
not a fucking thing to do at work, maybe I will leave after a few more posts on pittspeed.
wisdom teeth are nothing. I didn’t even need an asprin after my 4 impacted ones were pulled. If you’re a sissy, you may need to take something, but a real man won’t need to.
you can save the percocets or Tylenol 3 for when you are drinking though
just drove 37 hours so i just woke up now. getting ready to leave again to go to VA in a little bit for thanksgiving dinner
ya but did urs come in horizontal?
my mouth has been swollen shut since thursday …i’ve been living on mashed potatoes and chicken noodle
yep, all 4 were impacted. quit being all sissy and man up.
ya ya…i am a sissy when it comes to the denist…he is my worst enemy…sucks nothing happened they said my mouth is WAY to swollen to do anything and put my on antibotics and gotta go in on monday…:rolleyes: :bash:
but i did get a prescription for some vics tho…