moron on ebay

i was selling a bowling ball on ebay for $60 shipped, and a guy messages me saying that he just got back from a trip and he does not have a lot of money left and he wanted to know if i would take $50. i was not going to let it go for any less than $60 so i sent a message back to him being a smart ass saying that yea i will take $50 just give me $10 for shipping… well i just got a message back saying that he will take it:picard: paypal confirmed he paid

hahaha. people are awesome.

ROFL LOL :lol:

hahaha nice.

dude, you got hosed, didnt expect you to cave into the l;ower price that easy …

haha, kidding :slight_smile:

good sell…bahahahaha

nice …aha

all i got to say is WOW…WOW…LOL



haha. this is way better than the other “phone skin” one.

Ha, brilliant.

im just waiting for them to show up and the guy want to get paid or something…

You should have said shipping was $15 hahah.