Most costly mistake: The washing machine

Stupid mistake in purchasing a puny 2gb USB drive…

Left it in my dress pants, and down the washing machine it goes. How long shall I wait for it to dry out and try to re-use? (Practically all my schoolwork from grade 9 and lesbo pr0n :wink: will be lost if unrecoverable)

What’s the greatest value item that you’ve lost/dropped in the wash cycle/ man-throne?

I’m pissed,
Amuse me.:R

its should still be recoverable. as long as there no current going through the usb drive while its still wet it should still be ok. i suggest keeping it in a warm/hot place for at least a day or two.

Exactomundo… put it in a microwave and then put it in the oven at 450degrees celcius for 2 hours just to make sure. :wink:

Gabe, I’m joking, don’t do that. Like Alex says, no current, no worries.
Just hope theres no capacitors in that little package packing a big enough punch to short something. Likelyhood of Solid State Storage having something like that is slim/next to none with todays technology anyway.

Thanks… I see you’re all keen on saving my lesbo pr0n… :stuck_out_tongue:

ddiiiee lesbo porn!

Dont hate on lesbo pr0n

thats what im saying , but she has no respect for the beauty that is the female form :{ .

man thats sooooo harsh , u should invest in a water proof one to be safe .

I don’t remember if I’ve lost anything of value.
Only times I can remember is when I forget to take tissue out of my pockets. I throw it into the washing machine with a few other clothes and by the time it’s done washing it’s a white Christmas. Stupid me too, it only happens when I’m in a rush. Like when I’m going out in a couple hours and there’s something that I really want to wear but I just wore it a few nights before. So I go to wash it but I can’t justify using so much water to wash one thing so I make a quick load of clothes. Toss it in and half hour later I have to deal with picking tissue off of that clothing. Slows me down even more and makes me late :mad:

…the story of patricks life…lol

lol i deffinatly have put about 500 bucks in 20s in the washer, i had to pin them all up, looked like i was makeing fake money lol

countless lighters

a pocket full of change (i thought i was getting shot at for a while there)

and finnaly my cell with over 300 phone numbers on it
