Most walkable city


wow beat new york, I would have never thought that.

wow that is a surprise.

Nice, DC #1 :slight_smile:

We don’t have any freakin sidewalks anywhere, how can our city be so “walkable”?

People just walk in the middle of the street.

Steel City FTW

who ever made that list is a retard… chicago sucks to walk, dc is a hike and a half to walk to what you want to see, and there is no vegas on the list! You would think Las Vegas would be up there, hell they have overpasses for pedestrians. Pgh sucks to walk with all the construction.

whoever made the list is retarded cause its listed under “green” . why does everything have to be green now. the more i walk the more i can release harmful gas out my ass to kill the atmosphere!

OMG global warming! If you believe in global warming, then you must believe in santa claus!

yeah, sorta makes me feel like walking it more… but id rather not haha

^ I would rather switch trains sometimes then walk a little further and take the one I need. So sad

more likely to get hit by a PAT bus then to find a suitable sidewalk :bigthumb: